It seems like yesterday… Dateline November 1, 2023… the Texas Rangers defeat the Arizona Diamondbacks to win the 2023 World Series, the first World Series win for the Rangers since founded in 1961. Now that I have your attention, mark your calendar for the next installment of the FJMC Sports Affinity Group.
Please tune in on Wednesday January 17, 2024 at 8pm ET when the FJMC Sports Affinity Group will feature guest speaker Jeff Agrest. Jeff is the Deputy Sports Editor and Media Columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. He received his bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He Jeff joined the Chicago Sun-Times in June 2002 after spending six years as senior editor of Pro Football Weekly. Jeff’s talk will focus on numerous developments in the Wide World of Sports and associated media events and their impact. Jeff is a member of Temple Beth Israel, Skokie, Illinois and has been active over the years in TBI’s Brotherhood. His great uncle is Jerry Agrest, FJMC’s highly revered international past president and active for decades in the Federation’s Midwest Region. To register for this free Webinar, please visit https://fjmc.org/events-2/sports-affinity-group-presents-jeff-agrest/. Following Jeff’s remarks, he will be pleased to take your questions on a full range of topics.
FJMC Sports Affinity webinars are a positive diversion in these very tough times; please join us.
FJMC’s Sports Affinity Group is a timely, interactive, Zoom based discussion about Sports; the people, the stats, the legends and the scandals. Get ready to enjoy some great stories and learn a little bit about the people and events that made them possible as we gather in the spirit of Brotherhood in FJMC’s virtual VIP hospitality suite. The FJMC Sports Affinity Group hosted by Co-Chairs David Kravitz & Danny Mandeau and is part of a growing list of FJMC Affinity Groups and is offered at no charge to all Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the United States and around the world. For more information visit https://fjmc.org/events-2/sports-affinity-group-presents-jeff-agrest/ or email sports@fjmc.org.
This invitation to join the FJMC Sports Affinity Group is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://www.fjmc.org/content/affiliating-fjmc.
The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.