February 13, 2025

2021 Ma’asim Tovim Honoree

The Ma'asim Tovim Award is the highest recognition a Region can give to one of its members. It is usually given to individuals who have worked on behalf of the region for many years.

The Florida Region has selected Moshe Adler the region's Treasurer (for many years!).


Moshe Adler was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel to a mother from Romania who was in a Nazi concentration camp with her parents and brother during World War II, and a father who was a 5th generation Palestinian/Israeli/Yerushalmi. They moved to the United States when he was 5 years old. His father became the Shames/Sexton at Congregation B’nai David, in Southfield, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit, where his father’s cousin Hyman Adler was the Cantor and the Rabbi was Hayim Halevy Donin (of To Be A Jew fame). Moshe was involved in Synagogue life at an early age, joining the children’s choir, attending services Friday evening, Shabbat morning and Saturday afternoon, helping his father set up for services, and learning how to lead services and read Torah from his father. His experience leading High Holiday services as a teenager, came in handy when he went to college at the University of Florida. There, he soon became one of the daveners and Torah readers at Hillel, taught at the local Sunday school at Congregation B’nai Israel, and also taught some students for their B’nai Mitzvah.

Moshe met the love of his life, Marci, at Hillel during the Shabbat before classes began their freshman year and they married at the end of their sophomore year. Throughout college, medical school and residency (and Marci going to graduate school and law school) they remained active at Hillel and B’nai Israel. Their 2 sons, Michael & Matthew, were born in Gainesville. Their daughter, Malka, was born in West Palm Beach a few years later.

In 1981 they moved to Palm Beach County, Florida, where Moshe joined a small pediatric practice that later merged with Pediatric Associates, a large pediatric group. They joined Temple Beth El of West Palm Beach immediately on arrival and have been active members ever since. Moshe has been on the board of the temple for many years, as a board member, treasurer, vice-president and now co-president. He became active in Men’s Club, attending Sunday morning minyan and staying afterward for Men’s Club meetings. One Sunday he missed a meeting and was elected president of the Men’s Club. He has also been a board member and treasurer of Men’s Club and is responsible for computerizing both the Temple office and the Men’s Club. During his term as Men’s Club president, he was invited to Regional board meetings and became involved in the Florida Region and International FJMC, attending Regional retreats, LDI, and Conventions. He has served as Regional Vice President for Education and has now been Region Treasurer for several years.

Moshe looks forward to many more years of involvement in Men’s Club, Temple and other Jewish activities, hopefully in person very soon.

The Florida Region wishes to congratulate Moshe, Mazel Tov!