Antisemitism does not only threaten the Jewish community – it jeopardizes the rights and safety of countless other communities, as well as fundamental democratic norms and values. And as democracy is undermined, antisemitism and broader hate and extremism only further flourish. At this critical moment for democracy and the United States, please join us for a conversation with Amy Spitalnick, CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, about the inextricable link between Jewish safety and our democratic freedoms and the urgency of building broad coalitions to protect our communities. We will also hear from our colleagues Harold Kravitz, Mira Rivera, Michael Safra, and Michael Siegel about the successes and challenges of this coalition building. This will all occur against the backdrop of Hanukkah in which we remember and consider how Jews can most effectively operate in the world.
Please tune in on Tuesday December 2, 2024 at NOON ET for an informative webinar from the Rabbinical Assembly, Rabbinical Assembly: “Antisemitism, Democracy, and Coalition Building“. Register for this FREE webinar today at: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/civicrm/event/register?id=1886&reset=1. This Webinar is part of a growing list of Webinars & Affinity Groups, offered at no charge to all Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the United States and around the world. For more information about upcoming FJMC Webinars or to view our growing archive of webinars for use by your Men’s Club and Brotherhood, please visit https://fjmc.org/initiatives/affinity-groups-webinars/ or visit FJMC’s YouTube page.
This message is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at: www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.
The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.