There are over a hundred Synagogues, JCC’s, Chavurot, Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods in the State of Florida and many of them have the same name. Today we will bring the boom and take you on a journey to Palm Beach County, Florida to shine a spotlight on the Congregation B’nai Torah (CBT) Men’s Club of Boca Raton.
The B’nai Torah Congregation of is the largest conservative synagogue in Southeast Florida with over 1,000 membership families; a close-knit, multi-generational, modern, egalitarian synagogue with diverse services, programs of worship, learning, tzedakah, meaningful social action and diverse social activities. B’nai Torah also offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities and is a vibrant center for tzedakah acts and projects that touch thousands of people. Join B’nai Torah and get involved. The B’nai Torah Men’s Club promotes fellowship and camaraderie among the men of B’nai Torah through sponsorship many social and volunteer activities; some events are planned for men only, others are for men with wives, significant others or an invited guest.
In the most recent (Hanukkah 2024 / 5785) edition of Congregation B’nai Torah “Chai Magazine”, Men’s Club Co-President Andres Alminana reported:
“As we approach the end of the year and get closer to Hanukkah, my co-President Elliot Burns and I would like to update you on our Men’s Club. We have signed up several new members and have a full roster of activities lined up for the rest of the year and into 2025. During the fall season, some of our members took part in delivering Rosh Hashanah meals to homebound and underserved seniors in our community. We will look to grow this type of outreach within our communities, and continue to live our values of tzedakah, chesed, and tikkun olam. Additionally, our annual Scotch in the Sukkah event was a success – while we had to improvise and be inside the building this year due to rain, we enjoyed hearing about the different types, vintages, and of course the tastes from our own Shane Bredoff. Shane has assisted with this event for years and did an outstanding job as usual!
We will also be partnering with a local chapter of Jewish War Veterans (JWV) to build a relationship with them. We owe our veterans a tremendous debt of gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy today, and this is a small way B’nai Torah can give back. A special thank you goes out to one of our Men’s Club members (and veteran), Terry Bresnick, for connecting us with this important organization. We welcome our members and prospective members to join us at our upcoming events listed below:

Please feel welcome to contact us with any of your thoughts or questions. You can reach Elliot at 561 866 6048 or bocaburns@aol.com, and you can reach me at 561 909 8084 and Andres.alminana@ml.com. Wishing you and your families a joyous Hanukkah and please keep the hostages who must spend the holidays in captivity in your thoughts and hearts.” – Andres Alminana, Men’s Club Co-President (along with Elliot Burns). Thank you and see you at shul!
You are cordially invited to take part in the next installment of the Congregation B’nai Torah Men’s Club “BAGEL BITES” Breakfast program on Sunday January 12, 2025 featuring guest speaker SOL MOGLEN. Sol is the former Commander of the Jewish War Veterans post in Wayne, NJ; Deputy Chief and founder of the FDNYC’s Wall of Remembrance honoring the first responders of September 12th, and was also a part of the team that created a monument honoring the Jewish Military Chaplains at Arlington National Cemetery. Sol will discuss the September 11th response by the FDNYC and the NYPD. Bagels and coffee will be served. Please RSVP to Elliot Burns at bocaburns@aol.com or Andres Alminana at andres.alminana@ml.com so we know how many bagels to purchase.
On Superbowl Sunday February 9, 2025 the B’nai Torah Men’s Club will take part in the FJMC World Wide Wrap, an international, coordinated minyan encouraging Jewish men and women to learn about and participate in one of the basic commandments in the Torah: the wrapping of tefillin. In the words of Men’s Club Co-President Elliott Burns, “Our World Wide Wrap, in partnership with the Mirochnick Religious School (MRS) will be held on Sunday morning February 9th. We need Men’s Club members to help with teaching our 7th grade students how to put on T’fillin. Don’t worry, we will teach you also, We will also be serving a light breakfast that morning to several hundred youth teaching staff and and parents, join us“.
Join us for the next installment of our Bagel Bites Speaker Series on February 23 at 10 am when Palm Beach County Fire Battalion Chiefs Martinez and Niemczy discuss “Charge Smart: Prevent Fires Before They Spark”. This is also your chance to hear, and speak to, two fire professionals who are in charge of 350+ Daily Firefighters, in charge of 51 Fire Stations, In19 Cities, Field Over 154,000+ 911 calls per year sending the closest units within seconds, and, serving 1 Million Residents. Please RSVP to Elliot Burns at bocaburns@aol.com or, Andres Alminana at andres.alminana@ml.com.
The B’nai Torah Men’s Club will soon be distributing Yom Hashoah Yellow Candles; Men’s Club extends a warm thank you to Ari Silverrman who has volunteered to be our Yellow Candle/Yom Hashoah Team Leader for our candle distribution at the end of April / Early May. We need to help Ari with this project so please contact him to join the team at aribenkaspi@gmail.com. B’nai Torah 5785 Men’s Club Shabbat take place on May 3rd; many thanks to Saul Schildhorn for helping to choreograph the Service. Please contact Saul for your participation in the Service at shoreflight@yahoo.com. Save the Dates: Thursday July 3 to Sunday July 6, 2025 to be part of the B’nai Torah Men’s Club / Florida Region FJMC delegation to attend the FJMC International Biennial Convention in Chicago !! More information coming soon.
B’nai Torah Men’s Club Co-Presidents Dr. Elliot Burns and Andrew Alminana invite you to learn more about the B’nai Torah Men’s Club of Boca Raton at https://www.btcboca.org/mens-club/ and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BnaiTorahBoca/. For more information please email Dr. Elliot Burns at bocaburns@aol.com or Andres Alminana at: Andres.alminana@ml.com. “As Always…Looking forward to to seeing you at all of our upcoming events, and, supporting our Men’s Club…Remember…”Together We Can Do So Much More!” -Elliot”
The B’nai Torah Men’s Club is a proud member of the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at: www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.
The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.