The primary goal of the COS Men’s Club is to support our synagogue and...
Rich Nebb
Webmaster, Social Media Coordinator and Content Administrator for the Florida Region of the FJMC - We serve the needs of affiliated Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. How can we help you?
Yasher Koach to Mke 'Doc" Binder, recipient of 2024 Mike Korenvaes Man of the...
"We are more than a social organization. We are committed to working together with...
Parashat Bamidbar 5784
For many years at both FJMC Biennial Convention and the annual Leadership Development Institute,...
The Book of Numbers: Bamidbar
Parashat Bechukotai 5784
Please join us for the next three sessions of "Yiddish Alive" on Monday evening...