Please tune in Sunday March 17, 2024 at 8pm EDT for a special FJMC...
Rich Nebb
Webmaster, Social Media Coordinator and Content Administrator for the Florida Region of the FJMC - We serve the needs of affiliated Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. How can we help you?
Parashat Vayakhel 5784
Join the Temple Beth Torah Family and become part of the TBT Brotherhood
The B'nai Torah Men's Club promotes fellowship and camaraderie among the men of B'nai...
Join the FJMC Mission to Israel, a meaningful opportunity to volunteer in Israel August...
Join the Kol Ami Brotherhood and make new friends that will last a lifetime
Get Wrapped with the Temple Beth Am Men's Club of Margate Florida
Florida Region FJMC Visits Jacksonville Jewish Center Men's Club Leadership of the past and...