March 27, 2025

Idea Lab for Successful Men’s Club Programming

Every Men’s Club gets in a programming rut from time to time. One of the best ways to re-energize the Board and attract new members is to develop new and exciting programs. There are many tried and true programs from other clubs that would give your club new life without having to reinvent the wheel.

The Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) has Regional Consultants available to help your Men’s Club plan and execute a comprehensive Men’s Club programming calendar.  We serve the needs of affiliated Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida.  If your Men’s Club is not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us.  Get to know more about the Florida Region of the FJMC our growing network of Men’s Clubs at and please visit our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at

In the meantime, here is just a handful of programming ideas for your Men’s Club:


EDUCATIONAL: Hearing Men’s Voices, Authors as Speakers, CPR/Defibrillator Workshops, Finding Your Roots on the Internet, Hebrew Literacy, Judaic Music History, Florida Jewish History, Community Parenting, Ethical Wills, Retirement Planning, Health Fair, Scholar in Residence Weekend, Being Jewish in a Christian World…RELIGIOUS: Men’s Club Shabbat, Erecting Sukkah, Purim Carnival, Hanukkah Party, Holiday Workshops, How to Prepare & Deliver a D’var Torah, Tefillin Workshop/World Wide Wrap, Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program, Lag B’Omer Picnic, Torah/Haftorah Reading Workshop, Yad Shel Chai Program, Blowing Shofar Workshop, Synagogue Second Seder, Tu B’Shevat Seder…
CULTURAL: Jewish Museum Trips, Florida Jewish Heritage Trail Trip, Book Club, Concerts, Jewish Film Festival…FUND RAISING: Raffles, 50/50 raffle, Kosher Wine Sale, Casino Night/Silent Auction, Sefer Haftorah Project…
SOCIAL/ENTERTAINMENT: Live Theater Party, Dance with Sisterhood/Women’s League, Card/Game Night, Regional Hockey Night, Minor League Baseball Game, Purim Costume Party, New Year’s Eve Party, Talent Show, Bowling/Tennis Party, Iron Man (golf, bowling, poker)….COMMUNITY SERVICE/MITZVOT: Habitat for Humanity / “Bonim Builders”, Community Food Bank, Holocaust Programming, Volunteer Staffing of Hospital on Christmas, Volunteer Service at Soup Kitchen, Career Networking Group, Jewish War Veterans Event, Bikur Holim (visiting the sick)…
ISRAEL: Mission Trips to Israel/Masorti Communities, Israel Expo in Your Synagogue, Israel Fund Raiser (e.g. Israel Bonds; JNF), Israel Political Action Activity/Speaker, Youth Scholarship for Israel Travel, Israeli Food “Cabaret” Dinner, Pairing with Masorti Kehillot, Israel Arts and Entertainment Cultural “Bank”…RECREATION: Men’s Club Softball League, Men’s Club Basketball league, Men’s Club Tennis or Pickleball, Father/Child Sports Activity, Men’s Club Golf Outing/Tournament, Hockey Night Out at the Florida Panthers. Texas Hold ‘Em Regional Tournament, Regional “SPORT” Committee…