February 22, 2025
Join the Temple Torat Emet Men's Club and become one of the guys

Temple Torat Emet is an Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue in the heart of Palm Beach County, Florida. They are affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, whose mission is to provide all members of the community with the opportunity to participate in prayer, education, and social activities in a warm and friendly environment that promotes the growth and ideals of Conservative Judaism.

Torat Emet is also a vibrant, inter-generational Kehillah that strives to be an extended family for its members with a mission is to engage community members of all ages in dynamic Jewish communal life inspired by the ideals of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. They strive to achieve this mission through our shared commitment to the following values and ideals of Conservative Judaism. Torat Emet creates a culture of warmth where everyone feels welcome and included, and enhance the sense of feeling closer to G-d and one another through our shared commitment to the lifelong study of Torah and Jewish values and the performance of mitzvot; worshiping together in services that are participatory, egalitarian and inspiring, balancing tradition and modernity within the framework of Jewish law in order to foster a sense of Judaism that is central and relevant to the way members live their lives. Torat Emet promotes a personal and collective responsibility to Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World), dedicating ourselves to the support of K’lal Yisrael (the entire Jewish people) and the State of Israel and strengthening our collective Jewish identity to meet the challenges of our ever-changing environments.

The Torat Emet Men’s Club come together to involve Jewish Men in Jewish living and help address family and community concerns, in a spirit of camaraderie and fun. Together, the Torat Emet Men’s Club sponsors blood drives, visits the sick, tutors children, builds sukkot and engages in serious discussions about being a man in an increasingly egalitarian world. They cultivate volunteers and train leaders, find jobs for those in need, sponsor parent-child activities and athletic events, help families learn to make Shabbat, read Hebrew, commemorate Yom HaShoah and put on tefillin. The Torat Emet Men’s Club helps raise needed funds for their synagogue, the community and the global Conservative/Masorti Movement.

February 12, 2023

Looking ahead, the Torat Emet Men’s Club will take part in the FJMC World Wide Wrap on Superbowl Sunday, February 12 to wrap tefillin. Please don’t miss this opportunity to join with thousands of other “wrappers” all over the world. There is no cost to participate and breakfast will be served. Please RSVP to Jonathan Shochat at JshochatMail@gmail.com.

March 3 and 4, 2023

The first weekend of March will bring in Men’s Club Shabbat, beginning with a delicious Shabbat Dinner (more information will be coming soon). The Torat Emet Men’s Club will lead participatory and meaningful Shabbat services on Friday evening March 3 and Saturday morning March 4. Please contact Michael Gere if you are interested in participating at mgerehgere@aol.com. On Sunday morning March 5, the Torat Emet Men’s Club will assemble for Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle Packing. (more information will be coming soon).

BREAKING NEWS: The Torat Emet Men’s Club is going to the World Baseball Classic on Thursday March 9; the first pitch will be at 6:05p when Team Israel takes on the Washington Nationals at the Ballpark of the Palm Beaches in nearby West Palm Beach. Based on a minimum group of ten, the cost for seats in Section 101 – 3rd Base outfield are only $25. For more information and tickets, please contact Rich Nebb at RichNebb@Gmail.com. FYI, Team Israel will also be playing against the Miami Marlins on Wednesday March 8 at Roger Dean Stadium at 6:40PM (on your own).

Florida Region FJMC Rabbinic Advisor and Torat Emet Men’s Club member Rabbi Michael Klein will be leading a delegation from Florida to attend the 2023 Federation of Jewish Men’s Club’s Convention at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, June 29 to July 2, 2023. All Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club members (and their significant other’s) are invited and encouraged to join our pilgrimage to the City of Brotherly Love to attend the 2023 FJMC Convention.

First time Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club (member) Convention attendees that register by January 31 are eligible for up to a $500 subvention from Torat Emet; previous Men’s Club (member) Convention attendees are eligible for up to $250. This is in addition to the Florda Region FJMC $500 First time Men’s Club (member) Convention attendee subsidy; previous Men’s Club (member) Convention attendees are eligible for up to $300 Florida Region FJMC subsidy.

Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club wants it’s members to come to FJMC Convention 2023. Register for before January 31, 2023 to be eligible for combined Florida Region FJMC and Torat Emet Men’s Club (member) subsidies that will cover up to $1000 (of the $1250) convention registration fee to attend the 2023 FJMC Convention, June 29 to July 2. in Philadelphia. Register for FJMC Convention now at https://fjmcconvention.org/.

Men’s Club is Brotherhood. Club President Ira Brandell invites you to learn more about the Torat Emet Men’s Club at https://www.templetoratemet.org/mens-club/ and on the Torat Emet Men’s Club Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/394082673956959. For more information about the Torat Emet Men’s Club, please email Ira Brandell at IraBrandell@bellsouth.net.

The Torat Emet Men’s Club of Boynton Beach is a proud member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), an international confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods located throughout the United States, Canada, Central and South America and beyond. Learn more about how your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate at https://www.fjmc.org/content/affiliating-fjmc.

The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of our affiliated network of Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.FloridaRegionFJMC.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.

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