March 31, 2025
From Aaron Maiso, Chairman of the Kahal Kadosh She'erit Yisra'el (KKSY) Jewish Community of Uganda, part of the Abayudaya Region of the FJMC

The following message and photographs are from from from Aaron Maiso, Chairman of the Kahal Kadosh She’erit Yisra’el (KKSY) Jewish Community of Uganda, part of the Abayudaya Region of the FJMC

“Many thanks to Hashem that has mercifully enabled all of us have a healthier life from Shabbat to this Shabbat /Parashat Mishpatim. Many thanks also for your tremendous support in making FJMC a reality,many thanks for your big support and brotherhood with the Abayudaya Communities of Uganda. You have made Abayudaya communities look very beautiful colours in many circumstances. Big up FJMC. Looking at how many communities have changed, even is on Kahal Kadosh Sheerit Yisrael Uganda ,we still stand on big hopes and our hopes not yet lost. There is alot much needed in our men’s club and there is alot we are still working hard to make all members sustainable. Anyone or any organ who may be interested in working with us in any is warmly welcome. Many thanks once more and may Hashem bless all the work of your hands and the entire families. Much love.
Aaron Maiso
Chairman KKSY -Uganda”

The following information is reposted with permission from

The Jewish people of KKSY (Kahal Kadosh She’erit Yisrael) and its sister congregations (KKMI; Kahal Kadosh Mikweh Yisrael, and KKTT Kahal Kadosh Talmud Torah) are made up of some 300 people, mostly living in the area around Mbale. This subgroup of Abayudaya (meaning ‘Jews’ in the Luganda language) is unique in that they are Orthodox Jews who practice Sephardic Judaism, the only such community in Uganda. SJUA is helping these fledgling communities build their Jewish identities and, in close cooperation with Jewish Response Uganda (JRU), to develop their general lives through innovative agriculture, health care, education, etc. These non-religious programs do not only benefit our Jewish people but also their gentile neighbors, both Christians and Muslims, with whom the Jewish communities have a good relationship. We believe that being good Jews, first-and-foremost, means being good people, and this transcends religious tribal and barriers. Naturally, to do this wonderful work, we are in constant need of support. So, if you care about our Ugandan brothers and sister and for them “to be a light unto the nations”, as the prophet Isaiah taught us, then become a partner in this important work.

The Seaboard Region of FJMC serves the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods in Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., Southern Delaware, Harrisburg, PA

The Seaboard Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) established a fund to assist the Abayudaya during the COVID-19 crisis and is now collecting contributions to help the Hadassah School, as well as assist with the basic needs of the Abayudaya community. Funds go directly to the school and to the Abayudaya Men’s Club, which is working to provide for the school and the community. Please go to Crisis Support for the Abayudaya to contribute. The Seaboard Region is leading the way to collect and distribute funds raised from the FJMC. Please donate generously to these efforts using this link:

The Florida Region of FJMC stands in solidarity with our brothers from the Seaboard Region of FJMC in support of the Abayudaya community. Together, we are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at

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