Dear Friends:
I hope that this letter finds you well.
I am reaching out to my friends As part of the Temple Beth Torah Golf committee, which will have its annual Golf Tournament on Sunday, April 30th 2023 This year we are changing things up and Making this a Family outing at the MINI Golf facility on Southern Blvd. For those that may have participated, sponsored or donated to the event in the past, I thank you for making our past TBT Brotherhood Golf tournament an amazing success.
This years Brotherhood Family Mini Golf Tournament is the main fundraising event for Temple Beth Torah on an annual basis. Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood is a non-profit 501c (3) organization. All of the funds raised will help strengthen Temple and community programs. In the past, proceeds have benefitted the Religious School, the Youth Group and the Caring Committee.
To ensure that the Brotherhood MINI Golf Tournament is a success, I am asking for your help. I would love for you to play with us in this year’s event. Last year’s event SOLD OUT weeks before the event, so do not wait to sign up! The cost is $25.00 per golfer, and includes lunch; the team scramble format round of golf. The event also includes a post awards ceremony and a chance to honor our distinguished guests as we will be honoring our Religious school teachers.. You can register and pay online at www.tbtbrotherhood.com.
Also returning this year is the raffle to win a $5,000 Cash Prize! Raffle tickets cost $50 each and only 500 tickets will be sold….someone will win, the drawing will be held during our annual Meeting in June! Tickets can be purchased right now at www.tbtbrotherhood.com/SB. You have the option of purchasing 5 tickets for $200, a much better deal! Those of you who attended in the past will remember that we did draw the winner at the event, super exciting!!!!!
If you are unable to play, please consider one of the sponsorship opportunities that are available. You can see the full range of giving opportunities at www.tbtbrotherhood.com.
Your involvement, support, and generous donations will help the TBT Brotherhood to continue the good work that it does for our community. I am asking for your participation as I will be stepping down as President at the end of my term and being involved has been an honor for me and I wish to make this event and raffle a success. If you have any questions, please email me or feel free to call me.
Joel Zaidspiner Joel@technoliving.com
TBT Brotherhood President
Temple Beth Torah, “A Family of Families”, is a vibrant Reform Jewish Congregation located in the west-central Palm Beach County Village of Wellington. Within the structure of the congregation, the Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood is a service group; a place where people meet, plan and make friends. Brotherhood dues support family activities, provide extra funds for youth groups and sponsor temple events such as the annual picnic, poker night and other programs. The TBT Brotherhood does important work such as funding gifts for youth groups and purchasing educational tools for schools, building the congregational sukkah, aid with refreshments at many temple events, including the Purim Carnival and Chanukah Party, working with the TBT’s Sisterhood planning the annual family picnic event, family outings such as fishing trips, Marlins baseball and Dolphins football games. The Brotherhood conducts an annual golf tournament as its primary fundraiser; proceeds help fund programs for the congregation, educational programs and an annual donation to the local community. The TBT Brotherhood also sponsors an annual Brotherhood Shabbat Worship Service. Learn more about the Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood at TBTBrotherhood.com.
The Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood of Wellington, Florida, one of the newest members of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, a network of over 200 affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the United States, Canada, Latin America and Beyond. Learn more about how your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate at https://www.fjmc.org/content/affiliating-fjmc.
The Florida Region of the FJMC serves the needs of Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us.
Get to know more about the Florida Region of FJMC and our growing network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods on our website www.FloridaRegionFJMC.org and please visit and LIKE our Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.