October 13, 2023
See the attached call to action from Mercaz Olami which advocates, advances, promotes and protects Masorti/Conservative values, principles, priorities and communities by joining the leadership and influencing the policies of Israel’s National Institutions. This call to action is for all worldwide Jewry. Similar calls to action have been issued by both the Reform movement and the Orthodox movement, because during these difficult times, we are all family. We need to act at this time to support Israel following the most horrific terrorist attack in its history. This was not just an attack against Israel, but all civilized nations and peoples.
So, here are some things we can do:
1 FOREMOST, STAY IN CONTACT with the Mercaz organization (or similar Jewish movement political organizations) and your local Jewish Community Federation in your home country to follow country-specific opportunities. The following are activities that your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can engage in and/or you can do individually:
- Hold Hearing Men’s Voices Programs to support each other during this difficult time.
- Work with Child Psychologists in your community who can speak to parents about how to help their children through this situation. They know what is going on and many of them are scared. This could be an important program for your community.
- Speak to your friends and family about how you feel. Watching the news can be very depressing and we all need to help each other at this time of tragedy.
3. STAY INFORMED | Find a trustworthy news site to keep abreast of the news. Follow different news sources, including those in Israel like the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz and many others. Stay informed and attend educational sessions in your home communities and online. There are a number of informational events being held. Bringing in speakers to your Men’s Club and Congregation that can explain the current situation. Do Zoom sessions with people in Israel who can talk about what it is like on the ground.
4. BE AN ADVOCATE | Send emails to your elected Senators and Representatives or Members of Parliament, either thanking them for their support for Israel or encouraging their support for Israel. The same can be done for local and State/Province elected officials. Thank President Biden or Prime Minister Trudeau for their support of Israel. In your community, classroom, or social media platform – let the world know that you stand with Israel. Colleges and Universities are particularly volatile at this time. Calling on university presidents to speak up against antisemitic hate and anti-Israel vitriol on campus. Connect to the university leaders of which you are an alumnus, have a child or family friend at, or have another connection to. Let them know this is a dangerous time for Jewish students on campus and they need to support them. Israel did not cause this – the murdering members of Hamas did.
5. SHOW UP | In the days ahead there will be rallies and demonstrations of support on behalf of Israel. Show up where it is safe to do so. Let Israelis know that they are not alone in their hour of need. Come to Shabbat services and other gatherings to show your support.
6. SUPPORT| Make and encourage donations to Magen David Adom – AFMDA, The Jewish Agency for Israel – U.S., Emergency Israel Aid Campaign and the Israel Trauma Coalition, the crisis responses of Masorti Israel. Collect money and send it, with special emphasis on one of a number of special campaigns.
7. REACH OUT | Many of us have family and friends in Israel. While we cannot remove someone’s pain, the act of letting someone know that they are not alone is an important gesture. Send a text or email letting them know they are in our hearts. One suggestion would be to arrange phone calls, texts, and so forth of love, compassion, and care to the The Masorti (Conservative) Movement, Reform Movement, Masorti Israel kehillot, Noam, Marom, the Schecter Institute, as well as to Israelis that have visited your communities and you may know. If you are part of another movement send messages through that Movement. Work with Friends of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) to communicate with soldiers or to send packages. There are over 7,000 Lone Soldiers in Israel, they made Aliyah and their families live elsewhere. In your communities, you may have a family of a Lone Soldier Reach out and provide support for them as this is a scary time for them as well. Support Israelis in your community. Many have had family members go back to the IDF and they are here alone. It is likely that they will have known people who have been murdered, injured or kidnapped. Visit them, bring them a meal, offer to help with their children. Hold a program for the children at your synagogue – a fun event to help get their minds off of the current situation.
8. PRAY | Prayer is how we give expression to our hopes for our world and tilt God’s will towards making those hopes a reality. The shattered soul of Israel needs our prayers now, more than ever. At home, in the synagogue, wherever you are – now is the time to pray. Join together to say Psalms. If your tradition or observance permits, please recite the Mourner’s Kaddish for those who have been brutally murdered and for those who have died fighting. Please recite the Mi Sheberach prayer for those injured and missing.
9. PUT POLITICS ASIDE | Now is the time to set our differences aside and stand united in support of Israel’s safety and security. We must stand as one.
We will continue to keep you informed of actions you can take. If you have suggestions, please send them to our Executive Director, Rabbi Noam Raucher, at NRaucher@FJMC.org. As Men’s Clubs and individual men, you have an important role to play. The FJMC stands ready to support your efforts and to strongly support Israel. Am Yisrael Chai.
(Much of the above came from Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove of Park Avenue Synagogue, Mercaz and Masorti Olami and Past International President Tom Sudow, with our gratitude.)
In Brotherhood,
Alan Budman, FJMC International President
Rabbi Noam Raucher, FJMC Executive Director
The Florida Region of FJMC stands with Israel. We are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://www.fjmc.org/content/affiliating-fjmc.
The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.