March 4, 2025
Yasher Koach to the Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek’s Men’s Club of Tamarac, Florida

The Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek’s (TBTST) Men’s Club of Tamarac, FL was recently honored to receive a Silver “Torch Award” from the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) in front of nearly 400 delegates at the at the 2023 FJMC Biennial Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Torch Award was presented for outstanding Club programming in relation to the club’s 2023 World Wide Wrap program; part of an international, coordinated minyan encouraging Jewish men and women to learn about and participate in one of the basic mitzvot, or commandments, in the Torah: the wrapping of tefillin.

The FJMC Torch Award was created to encourage the development of innovative programming, to recognize Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods that develop quality programming, build community and support the growth and development of their clubs.

Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek’s Men’s Club President Larry Gerson explains the details of his Men’s Club’s award winning “World Wide Wrap” program:

Let’s all Wrap

“Our goal is to give the opportunity to all to learn about Tfilin. Young, old ,male, female. Everyone needs to know. This is the first time we were able to conduct a worldwide wrap program in person since covid. We had approximately 65 Youth and adults participate in their program. We even had a cut away model is Tfilin in to show how the parchment is placed inside. Many many of the participants were extremely enlightened by this event. And some of them even come to our minions now. We are placed on the earth to educate Our Generation and future Generations Ldor Vdor.

Join the World Wide Wrap
February 11, 2024

The FJMC Torch Award for outstanding club programming nwill officially be presented to the Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek’s Men’s Club on November 11 as part of a Men’s Club Veteran’s Station Shabbat program. Yasher Koach to the Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek’s Men’s Club of Tamarac, Florida on this well deserved honor for their successful 2023 World Wide Wrap program. Looking ahead, the 2024 World Wide Wrap will take place on Superbowl Sunday, February 11, 2024. Be counted and be part of World Wide Wrap 2024, register your Men’s Club’s, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Synagogue or register as an individual and be counted as part of World Wide Wrap 2024 at

Join the Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek Men’s Club

Men’s Club is Brotherhood. TBTST Men’s Club President Larry Gerson and Vice President Aubrey Harley invite you to learn more about the Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek Men’s Club and become part of our group of great people that contribute to the growth and prosperity of temple life. Learn more about the TBTST Men’s Club at and on Facebook at For more information about the Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek Men’s Club, please email

The Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek Men’s Club of Tamarac, Florida is a proud member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), a global confederation of over 200 Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America and beyond. Learn more about how your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate at:

The Florida Region of the FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida.  Learn more about the Florida Region of FJMC and our growing network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs on our website and please visit and LIKE our Facebook Group at

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