Men’s Club is Brotherhood….. and Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat 5784 is one of the best ways to raise visibility of your Men’s Club and highlight the participation of your Brotherhood in the religious and social fabric of your synagogue. This is a chance for your Men’s Club members to lead and participate in any or all aspects of the Shabbat service(s). It is a golden opportunity for your Brotherhood to connect, mobilize and re-energize its active membership base, as well as to engage inactive members who do not frequently participate or show up by giving them an honor such as Torah Reading or Aliyah, an Ark Opening, an English responsive reading, or offer them a role in planning the logistics of your Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat.
There are roles for every member of your Men’s Club or Brotherhood regardless of their level of observance; whether in Hebrew or English, in poetry or song, spoken word or non-speaking. In partnership with your Clergy, Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat 5784 is a time for your members to take ownership of any or all aspects of the Shabbat service, whether Friday night, Shabbat morning, Ma’ariv, Havdalah or all of the above. Consider making it a “Men’s Club is Brotherhood Shabbat Weekend” celebration of everything Jewish, including Sunday morning Men’s Club / Brotherhood open house breakfast meeting and program / speaker to engage even more current and prospective members. Grow your club – Embrace Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat 5784.
The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) wants to help bring a stellar Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat 5784 program to every Jewish Men’s Club and Brotherhood in Florida. They maintain a nationwide network of Regional Consultants that can help you plan a epic Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat that will make your Rabbi proud to have an active and dynamic Men’s Club / Brotherhood as part of their Synagogue family. For more information about Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat, including a detailed program implementation guide, visit https://fjmc.org/mens-club-shabbat-frequently-asked-questions.
This message is brought to you Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.
Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.