Happy New Year from the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). Winter has arrived in Florida and the Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods of Florida Region FJMC are planning for a season of engaging programs and events across the State of Florida.
The events listed below are just a small sampling of some of the planned activities of Florida Region FJMC Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods during January of 2025.
On Wednesday January 1, 2025 the Temple Beth El Men’s Club (West Palm Beach) and Women’s League invite you to start the new year with a joint Hanukkah celebration. Come for the candles, stay for the latkes, and save the dates to join us for Brunch and a Movie on Sunday January 5, 2025.
The Congregation Beth Shalom CBS Brotherhood (Clearwater) invites you start your new year with two great events. On Sunday evening January 5, 2025 to “Deli Night: Legends and Laughter” featuring Jimmy Mazz, singer, entertainer, music, comedy and impressions. Bring your appetite as well as your dancing shoes.
The following weekend, Sunday January 12, 2025 at 7:00pm, the CBS Brotherhood will present “Latest Israeli Innovations in Medical, Agricultural, Green and Consumer Technologies” featuring guest speaker Eric Pastman.
On January 2, 2025 the Temple Beth Am Men’s Club (Margate) presents a Chanukah Hockey celebration to remember with the World Champion Florida Panthers at the Amerant Bank Arena in Sunrise, Florida, just west of Ft. Lauderdale. The puck drops at 7pm when the Panthers take on the Carolina Hurricanes for an evening of non-stop Hockey excitement and the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club’s wants you to join us in Brotherhood for an epic night of Adrenalin filled Hockey awesomeness. Tickets for this first class Hockey experience are only $80, in limited quantity and will sell out quickly. Buy your tickets to the game at: https://www.beth-am.org/event/panthers-2025. After you purchase your ticket, you may also purchase parking for a 25% discount at https://seatgeek.com/florida-panthers-tickets/parking.
Bet wait, there’s more… on Saturday evening January 18, 2025 the Temple Beth Am Men’s Club invites you to a 50’s & 60’s Sock Hop music party with live music performed by the Happy Daze band. Be sure to come dressed in your greaser outfit or poodle skirt, as the best outfit wins a prize! General Admission is only $27 and Beth Am is offering sponsorship opportunities that may include 2 free admission tickets based on the amount you sponsor. Doors open at 7:00 PM. Snacks and drinks available for purchase. Buy your tickets now at: https://www.beth-am.org/event/happy-daze. Questions? Contact Larry Schwartz at 954-298-8923 or at mensclub@beth-am.org.
Looking ahead to the new year, on Monday January 6th @ 7:00 PM the Temple Israel Men’s Club (Orlando) will host Poker Night, a friendly game of poker and more! Everyone welcome! $10. Beer and snacks provided. RSVP to michael.danoff@gmail.com. The Temple Israel Men’s Club will also be installing a new President Greg Altman during January of 2025. Come out and meet your new Men’s Club President at a special Florida Region FJMC Regional Club meeting and Leadership Training event on Sunday January 12, 2025.
ALL Florida Region FJMC Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods are encouraged to register to attend and have your club represented at a statewide Club meeting and training event on Sunday January 12, 2025 at Temple Israel Orlando, 50 S. Moss Road in Winter Springs, Florida. This will be an in-person meetings. The morning will begin with a 9am minyan followed by breakfast with Club meeting and training to follow. We have a lot of information to cover including updated Quality Club Award requirements, the World Wide Wrap, strategic planning for 2025, FJMC International Convention, July 3 to 6, 2025 in Chicago and more. We need your Men’s Club and Brotherhood’s participation in this important meeting, RSVP today.

On Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 7:30pm, the Congregation B’nai Torah Men’s Club (Ormond Beach) invites you to the inaugural session of a Men’s Club Hearing Men’s Voices (HMV) program. HMV is a unique program that engages Jewish men in Jewish life, enabling deeper connections and better relationships among our members. It’s a facilitated session which encourages men to talk and engage in rich and meaningful dialogues about common issues. The title of this first session is called ‘Meet My Father”. I know you will find this unique program stimulating and well worth your time. Snacks will be served.
Beat the winter blues and meet up with Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood (Wellington) for BROS NIGHT OUT on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 7pm at Flanigan’s Bar & Grill, 2335 S State Rd 7, Wellington, FL 33414. Bring your friends and join Temple Brotherhood for a casual social gathering, a $20 donation greatly appreciated.
On Sunday morning January 12 the Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek Men’s Club (Tamarac) invites you to start 2025 with Men’s Club Bowling at Strikers from 10:30am – 12:30pm. This event is open to everyone, only $15 and shoes are included!
You are cordially invited to take part in the next installment of the Congregation B’nai Torah Men’s Club (Boca Raton) “BAGEL BITES” Breakfast program on Sunday January 12, 2025 featuring guest speaker SOL MOGLEN. Sol is the former Commander of the Jewish War Veterans post in Wayne, NJ; Deputy Chief and founder of the FDNYC’s Wall of Remembrance honoring the first responders of September 12th, and was also a part of the team that created a monument honoring the Jewish Military Chaplains at Arlington National Cemetery. Sol will discuss the September 11th response by the FDNYC and the NYPD. Bagels and coffee will be served. Please RSVP to Elliot Burns at bocaburns@aol.com or Andres Alminana at alminana@ml.com so we know how many bagels to purchase.
On Sunday morning January 12, 2025 the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club (Boynton Beach) invites you to a delicious breakfast and informative presentation from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department Volunteers Against Scam Team (VAST). VAST was created to help fight the growing risk of identity theft and scams by educating and informing residents on how best to avoid scammers and not let them prey on their emotions and bank accounts. Since its inception in 2009, the Volunteers Against Scams Team has helped teach vulnerable seniors how to avoid the latest scams making the rounds.
On Sunday evening January 12, 2025 at 7:00pm, the Temple Beth Shalom Men’s Club and Sisterhood (Sarasota) will help co-sponsor with the Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and a series of Jewish and Christian agencies to invite the community to hear Daniel Kurtzer, former US Ambassador to Israel and Egypt speak on the topic “Israel and the Region After the War in Gaza: Inflection Point or More of the Same?” The war in Gaza has unleashed a torrent of threats against Israel and has at least temporarily halted the normalization process between Israel and some Arab states. Without a clear plan for the “day after,” the region could sink further into chaotic violence, or it could emerge with a new resolve to solve some of its endemic problems. Ambassador Kurtzer will discuss these issues within the context of regional politics and the U.S. domestic political debate. This program is open to the entire community and will take place at Temple Beth Sholom- 1050 S. Tuttle Ave., Sarasota. Advanced tickets are $ 20.00 and at the door, the cost is $ 25.00. To register visit: https://templebethsholomfl.shulcloud.com/event/mens-club-breakfast-program1.html or for further information, please contact Temple Beth Sholom at 941-955-8121, or info@tbssrq.org.
On Sunday January 19, 2025 when the Congregation Kol Ami Brotherhood (Tampa) invites you to join our very own Brotherhood member Johnny Weisser, a black belt in Brazilian Ju Jitzu (BJJ), as he teaches basic self defense training… just in case a potential situation arises where self defense is necessary. This program is open to both men and women, wear wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Please RSVP by January 17, 2025 to Brotherhood.KolAmi@gmail.com.
On Sunday morning, January 19, 2025, the Temple Beth Shalom Men’s Club (Palm Coast) will host a Brunch and Learnopen to the whole community. Around 9:35am we will have an optional Sunday morning service and we will roll into our program beginning at 10am. Special guest speaker Ray Leonard will make an in person presentation of his recently published book “The Sons of Srol”. The book starts with the story of how an area encompassing portions of Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus became home to over 80% of Europe’s Jews by the end of the 1700’s. The Abramajtys family thrived here until growing antisemitism in the Russian empire drove them to emigrate at the end of the 19th century. The sons of Srol Abramajtys took different courses, one to the United States and one to France. The book tells the stories of these two branches, from growth in New York and Chicago to the worldwide battlefields of the second world war and in France, the devastating effects of the Nazi occupation in 1940-44. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
On January 19, 2025 at 5pm the Temple B’nai Israel Mitzvah Men’s Club (St. Petersburg) will host a special Steak and Scotch program. The cost is only $36 and attendance is limited to the first 40 people that RSVP. Register today at https://www.cbistpete.org/form/mmc-steak-and-scotch-2025.html.
The Temple Emanuel of Lakeland Men’s Club aka the Jewish Men’s Club of Polk County sponsors a monthly lox & bagel breakfast program with a guest speaker on the third Sunday of each month; fresh faces and ideas are always welcome. The next Men’s Club breakfast meeting is scheduled January 19, 2025 (future meetings on February 16, March 16, April 27 (4th Sunday), May 18, June 15 (Fathers Day), July 20 and August 17, 2025). Please email Men’s Club Club President Rich Weiss at MensClub@TempleEmanuelLakeland.com for an invite to the next meeting to meet the guys.
The Temple Israel (Orlando) Men’s Club invites you reconnect with nature, G-d and your Men’s Club brothers from other mothers for a family friendly Shabbaton weekend at Lake Louisa Park, January 31 to February 2, 2025. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Natan Brener at: NatanBrener@gmail.com.
Florida Region FJMC wants to help promote and amplify YOUR upcoming Men’s Club or Brotherhood’s programs and events. Please email your club programming calendar to Florida Region FJMC Webmaster at: RichNebb@gmail.com.

This message is proudly brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC); we serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Club’s and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.
The Florida Region of FJMC is part of a confederation of over 200 affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, Mumbai, India and beyond. Learn more about how your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.