March 5, 2025
Mazal Tov to Mike White, David Sadowsky & The CBS Brotherhood for putting on an incredible 2025 Deli Nite
Life is Good in the CBS Brotherhood

The sunshine state is blessed to have dozens of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods and the Congregation Beth Shalom (CBS) Brotherhood of Clearwater, Florida is one of the shining jewels of Pinellas County. Congregation Beth Shalom of Clearwater, Florida is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue. Known as as a compassionate, welcoming, inclusive and above all a loving, faith-based Jewish community, people describe CBS as “my family” and “comfortable” as they join together in prayer, song, education, service of the heart and the celebration of life-cycle events in a true feeling of togetherness.

The CBS Brotherhood is made up of a group of individuals dedicated to the growth of our organization and the building of a strong fellowship among the men of CBS. The Brotherhood offers you many ways to participate in strengthening the synagogue and community by mixing opportunities for service with chances for men to interact both socially and spiritually.

Recent CBS Brotherhood programs and events include the annual Brotherhood “Deli Night” event, “Legends and Laughter featuring Jimmy Mazz, singer, entertainer, music, comedy and impressions and participation in the annual FJMC World Wide Wrap, an international, coordinated minyan encouraging Jewish men and women to learn about and participate in one of the basic commandments in the Torah: the wrapping of tefillin. The CBS Brotherhood co-sponsored a trip to the Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival at the St. James Museum of St. Petersburg, followed by CBS Brotherhood Shabbat and the CBS Brotherhood Annual Meeting.

Looking ahead, the CBS Brotherhood and Congregation B’nai Israel Brotherhood will jointly present “Brotherhood Brewery Night” on Tuesday, March 11, 7:15 pm at the Rapp Brewing Company in Seminole Florida. CBS Brotherhood President David Sadowsky invites all Brotherhood members for evening of cold beer, hot pizza and engaging stories from Brotherhood members who have recently visited Israel. Donations to cover the costs of food are always welcome. Register for CBS & CBI Brotherhood Brewery Night at:

As time marches forward, it is our task to remember and teach about the Shoah. Each year, the CBS Brotherhood distributes FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles™ to the CBS family of families. On the night of Yom HaShoah, the candles are lit to shine a light of memory, a light of education, and a light that we will never forget. Participation in this program helps to keep the memory of the Shoah alive and to remember what could happen if we don’t stand up for ourselves. Yom HaShoah begins at sundown Wednesday April 23, 2025 / 27 Nisan 5785. Please join us in a moment of solidarity for our six million brothers and sisters that were lost in the Shoah.

Save the dates: Thursday July 3 to Sunday July 6, 2025 to be part of the CBS Brotherhood / Florida Region FJMC delegation to attend the 2025 FJMC International Biennial Convention in Chicago !! For more information about 2025 FJMC International Convention and to register, visit:

The CBS Brotherhood generally meets via Zoom on the third Thursday of the month; please email Brotherhood President David Sadowski at for a link to the next meeting. Learn more about the CBS Brotherhood of Clearwater, Florida at: or on Facebook at For more information, about the CBS Brotherhood please email David Sadowski at:

The CBS Brotherhood of Clearwater, Florida is a proud member of the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at:

The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

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