March 27, 2025
Shomrei Torah Men's Club President Sam Kimelman and Synagogue Vice President Doug Kanz wish everyone a Happy Adar 5785 and report that the Shomrei Torah Men's Club is alive and well.

Shomrei Torah is an intimate, lay-led congregation in Tallahassee, Florida that dates back to 1976. They have no full-time clergy but occasionally have a guest Rabbi or Cantor visit. Members lead services, share and participate in life-long learning, educate children, carry on other shul programs, and support each other in times of joy and sadness. Shomrei Torah is the only congregation affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in the corridor between Pensacola and Jacksonville.

The Shomrei Torah Men’s Club recently hosted a Kosher corned beef and pastrami sandwich sale. “We prepare, serve and sell between 100 and 150 kosher sandwiches, homemade cole slaw and a potato knish to our community“, said club president Sam Kimelman. “Most of the sales are to non-members in our community. There is no deli in Tallahassee, so this is the closest to a real deal. Our next one is scheduled for December 8“. The Shomrei Torah Men’s Club also prepares the weekly Shabbat Kiddush luncheon and sponsors gifts for Bar and Bat Mitzvah students.

Shomrei Torah Men’s Club President Sam Kimelman and Synagogue Vice President Doug Kanz wish everyone a Happy Adar 5785 and report that the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club is alive and well.

Recent Men’s Club programs and events include a “Latke Bar” and Chanukah menorah lighting. “We sparked the Menorah followed by fresh and hot, home-made latkes.  Men’s club prepareed the latkes for this event and participated in a community-wide PJ Library gelt drop, co-sponsored with the Tallahassee Jewish federation, Temple Israel (reform) and Congregation Shomrei Torah (conservative)“, said Sam Kimelman. “We do a lot of cooking, including our weekly shabbat kiddush“. 

On Superbowl Sunday morning, the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club took part in the FJMC World Wide Wrap, an international, coordinated minyan encouraging Jewish men and women to learn about and participate in one of the basic commandments in the Torah: the wrapping of tefillin.

As time marches forward, it is our task to remember and teach about the Shoah. Each year, our Men’s Club distributes FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles™ to the Shomrei Torah family of families. On the night of Yom HaShoah, the candles are lit to shine a light of memory, a light of education, and a light that we will never forget. Participation in this program helps to keep the memory of the Shoah alive and to remember what could happen if we don’t stand up for ourselves. Yom HaShoah begins at sundown Wednesday April 23, 2025 / 27 Nisan 5785. Please join us in a moment of solidarity for our six million brothers and sisters that were lost in the Shoah.

Looking ahead please Save the Dates: Thursday July 3 to Sunday July 6, 2025 to be part of the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club / Florida Region FJMC delegation to attend the FJMC International Biennial Convention in Chicago !! For more information about 2025 FJMC International Convention and to register, visit:

The Shomrei Torah Men’s Club generally gathers monthly for fellowship, food and an occasional poker game but there is always room for new faces at the table; please email or for an invitation to the next Men’s Club meeting.

The 2024 Shomrei Torah Sukkah construction Men’s Club team (and two young helpers from the congregation)

Join the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club and be part of the future of Jewish life in Northwest Florida. Men’s Club President Sam Kimelman invites you to learn more about the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club of Tallahassee at For more information about the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club, please email Sam Kimelman at or or

The Shomrei Torah Men’s Club of Tallahassee is a proud member of the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at:

The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

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