The Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club of Boynton Beach regularly comes together to involve Jewish Men in Jewish life and help address family and community concerns in a spirit of camaraderie and fun. The Men’s Club sponsors blood drives, visits the sick, tutors children, builds sukkot and engages in serious discussions about being a man in an increasingly egalitarian world. They cultivate volunteers and train leaders, find jobs for those in need, sponsor parent-child activities and athletic events, help families learn to make Shabbat, read Hebrew, commemorate Yom HaShoah and put on tefillin, as well as raise needed funds for their synagogue, the community and the global Conservative/Masorti Movement.
Each year the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club offers its members a array of fun activities. Recent Torat Emet Men’s Club programs and events include a delicious breakfast and informative presentation from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department Volunteers Against Scam Team (VAST). The FJMC Sefer Haftarah Scroll was on display at Temple Torat Emet during the first week of February 2025 and was incorporated into Torat Emet’s annual World Wide Wrap program.
On Tuesday March 11, 2025 the Torat Emet Men’s Club enjoyed a picture perfect afternoon of nonstop MLB Spring Training excitement to see the New York Mets play the Houston Astros at Cacti Park of The Palm Beaches in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Met’s played a good game and took an initial lead by four runs, but the Astros ultimately prevailed.
The highlight of the annual Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club programming cycle will be Men’s Club Shabbat weekend, including with a delicious Friday night Shabbat Dinner and oneg on March 28 and participatory Shabbat services on both Friday evening March 28 and Saturday morning March 29.
Please RSVP for the Friday night Men’s Club Shabbat dinner at: https://members.templetoratemet.org/event/Mens%20Club%20Shabbat.
On Sunday Morning March 30, 2025 at 9:30am, the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club will present “HEARING MEN’S VOICES: IS IT OKAY FOR MEN TO CRY AT MOVIES?” Please join us at the home of David Yellin (address provided upon RSVP) to participate in this discussion for men only and then help us pack the Yom Hashoah Candles. This event is part of Men’s Club Shabbat weekend, so make sure you’re coming to the Friday night Shabbat dinner and services, Shabbat morning services and then Sunday, pack the candles and enjoy the Hearing Men’s Voices discussion. Please RSVP for Sunday morning to David Yellin at 732-887-0480.
On Sunday morning April 27, 2025 at 10am, the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club and Sisterhood will jointly sponsor a “Salute to Israel at 77” program featuring the Music of Israel. Join Paul Stenzler and Terri Fine Stenzler along with your TTE friends for a musical celebration of Israel’s 77th Independence Day. This “Music of Israel” program will feature Israeli folk music accompanied by remarks explaining how these songs reflect Israel’s yearning for independence. A delicious Brunch will be served; please RSVP by April 20, 2025, Sisterhood and Men’s Club Members are only $15, Non-Members $18. Make your check payable to Temple Torat Emet Sisterhood and mail your reservation to Gail Hare, 7342 Haviland Circle Boynton Beach FL 33437. Questions? call Gail at 561-810-6758.
On May 15, 2025 at 7:00pm, the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club of Boynton Beach, Florida will explore the science of beer tasting with an evening of Torah On Tap, hosted by the Mathews Brewing Company in Lake Worth. This event is open to all adult Men’s Club members and supporters. Please join us for an evening of beer, bubbles, brotherhood and Torah tidbits. Torah on Tap is FREE to attend. The Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club will supply the snacks and you PFYOD (Pay For Your Own Drinks). Please RSVP by Monday May 12, 2025 to Rich Nebb at 732-996-4911 or RichNebb@Gmail.com so we can ensure adequate space reserved for our group. The Mathews Brewing Company is located at 130 South H Street in Lake Worth, Florida 33460 – one block north of Route 1 and two blocks south of Lake Avenue.
Florida Region FJMC Rabbinic Advisor Rabbi Michael Klein will be leading a delegation from Temple Torat Emet to attend the 2025 Federation of Jewish Men’s Club’s Convention to be held on Chicago, Thursday July 3 to Sunday July 6, 2025 in Chicago. For more information about 2025 FJMC International Convention and to register, please visit: https://convention.fjmc.org/2025-chicago/.
Join the Temple Torat Men’s Club:
The Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club generally meets via Zoom on the first Thursday of every month. Club Co-Presidents Ira Brandell and Harry Saltzman invite you to learn more about the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club of Boynton Beach at https://www.templetoratemet.org/mens-club/ and on the Torat Emet Men’s Club Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/394082673956959. For more information about the Torat Emet Men’s Club, please email Ira Brandell at IraBrandell@bellsouth.net. or Harry Saltzman at Jets4HS@aol.com.
The Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club is a proud member of the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at: www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.
The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.