March 18, 2025
FJMC Affiliated Men's Club & Brotherhood members have access to FJMC Club and Leadership Training opportunities.

Congratulations. It’s that time of the year again; time to schedule your Men’s Club / Brotherhood’s annual strategic planning meeting with a goal of drafting and delivering a realistic, cost effective program and event schedule for 5785 / 5786 that both engages your current membership and attracts new members.

Each Florida Region FJMC Men’s Club or Brotherhood is on a similar quest, to add something new and different to their annual program and event calendar. Something that is convenient, interesting and fun; something low (or no) cost and scalable to a group of any size; something to both engage your current members and attract new (younger) members?

Last April, the B’nai Torah Congregation Men’s Club of Boca Raton hosted a Florida Region FJMC Regional Club Training program where twenty-five leaders of Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods engaged in a half day of learning and training on a variety of topics with a specific focus on fresh ideas to attract and engage new / younger members. In a roundtable discussion, meeting attendees shared many Men’s Club and Brotherhood programing ideas to attract and engage both current and new / younger members, both from within our respective synagogues as well as from the greater unaffiliated community.

Suggestions included sponsoring a meet and greet with the Rabbi, a Sunday morning breakfast with an engaging guest speaker, CPR Training, Firearms safety day or a Toastmasters program. Other program ideas included a “Back to Shul BBQ”, “Laktes and Vodkas”, “Deli Night”, “Cigars and Spirits”, “Torah on Tap” or a “Brotherhood Hangout” at a local brewery, a “Casino Night”, a hiking or camping event, a fishing boat or a golf (or miniature golf) tournament. Several attendees agreed that programs or events held outside the Synagogue walls often attract new faces.

As your Men’s Club or Brotherhood begins to consider a list of possible programs or events for your 5786 calendar, consider a low-cost or no-cost private group VIP tour. After all, tickets to live theater or big name sporting events can be expensive, however many sport arenas, performing arts venues, museums and public broadcast television studios offer low cost or no-cost backstage tours for your non-profit group.

Here are a few more ideas to help you fill out your annual Men’s Club or Brotherhood programming calendar:

  • Did you know the Historical Society of Palm Beach County is the world’s leading resource for Palm Beach County history, housing a permanent collection of millions of objects and images that span over 12,000 years of Palm Beach County and Florida history? The Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum offers fun and exciting docent led group tours through the museum.
  • South Florida clubs can organize a private, behind-the-scenes tour of state-of-the-art loanDepot Park, home of the two-time World Series Champions Miami Marlins for only $15 per person.
  • West Florida clubs can take a behind-the-scenes tour of Raymond James Stadium, Tampa’s premier venue for megastar rock concerts as well as home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tampa Bay Lightning for only $16.56 or seniors 55+ only $12.42, including tax.
  • Many Florida performing arts venues offer low-cost backstage or behind-the-scenes tours. Sarasota area clubs can arrange a private group tour of the Manatee Performing Arts Center in Bradenton. The Manatee Performing Arts Center Backstage Tour has been highly praised by media and private requests, allowing audience members backstage where you will hear historical and fun facts, see our costume shop, visit our technical booth, VIP lounge and more. You might even get the chance to see characters getting ready last minute for a show. Sarasota clubs also have access to a private group tour of the historic 1926 Sarasota Opera House featuring a treasure trove of interesting facts and backstage information. For only $15 per person, your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can organize a private tour of the theater with a knowledgeable guide who will share the theater’s fascinating past and inside information on Sarasota Opera’s world-class productions.
  • The historic Tampa Theater also offers private group tours. Learn the Theatre’s secrets, stories, art and architecture and witness its historic restoration efforts with a “balcony to backstage” tour of Tampa’s majestic movie palace. The 90-minute experience costs only $10 and includes a demonstration of the Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Organ.
  • The Yale Club of the Treasure Coast offers a FREE behind-the-scenes tour of the Riverside Theater in Vero Beach. Recognizing the Yale School of Drama as one of the nation’s pre-eminent forces in professional theater, the Club arranged guided tours of the Riverside Theatre complex. The Riverside is the largest professional theater company in the state of Florida and has for 37 years done the extraordinary magic of bringing Broadway quality performances at Main Street prices to audiences from throughout south Florida.
  • The Sharon L. Morse Performing Arts Center, located in The Villages offers a behind-the-curtain backstage tour for your Men’s Club. Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of your favorite shows at The Sharon? Want to share footprints with some of the world’s biggest stars? Our Behind The Curtain Tour is for you! Join a group of like-minded members of your community and your tour guide for a look at the history of The Sharon, her namesake, and the systems and people that make your hometown Performing Arts Center world-class.
  • South Florida Clubs can take a day-trip to Miami for a private group tour of PBS affiliate WLRN South Florida’s television studio and production facilities, WLRN Public Media provides educational tours of both our television and radio studios located at 172 N.E. 15th Street, Miami, FL. 33132. Tours are offered on a limited basis and last about 45 minutes to an hour.
  • The Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority offers FREE group tours of SWA’s integrated solid waste management system. See what happens when your garbage and recycling leave the curb. Gain a deeper understanding of why it’s important to reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink waste.

Each year your Men’s Club or Brotherhood has an opportunity to try something new and different. Remember, not all events or programs will be of interest to everyone. Some folk like watching sports, other like playing sports. Some will gravitate to a Sunday morning Bagel Bites Speaker series program; others to an evening Bro’s Night Out program at a local brewery. Have an open mind, think outside the box and seed a variety of events on your Men’s Club programming calendar and you will grow your club from both within and without.

The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of FJMC affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida.

This message is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at:

The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

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