October 5, 2024
Men's Club is Brotherhood - and organizing a Golf (or miniature golf) FUNdraiser is a great way to have fun, raise funds and grow your Men’s Club or Brotherhood.

Organizing a Golf (or miniature golf) Event FUNdraiser is a great way to have fun, raise funds and grow your Men’s Club or Brotherhood. Golf is a family friendly, outdoor, team building activity and there any many Public Golf Courses and Country Clubs throughout Florida that will be happy to work with your Men’s Club or Brotherhood and help to organize a successful Golf Event FUNdraiser to remember. Golf courses are used to hosting golf tournaments and charity events so don’t be afraid to ask; you may be surprised how easy it is to take this idea from concept to execution.

The two primary goals of a Men’s Club or Brotherhood Golf Event Fundraiser are FUN and FUNdraising, however don’t just rely on donations, sponsorships and program admission fees. This is your chance to up-sell your “brand”. Many of your members and supporters who don’t play golf may be happy to buy items to support your Men’s Club or Brotherhood Golf Event FUNdraiser. Whether it’s a reusable water bottle, Men’s Club branded golf balls or a souvenir “Brotherhood Golf Club” shirt, each of your members, supporters and volunteers will appreciate having a souvenir or two to take home.

If your Men’s Club or Brotherhood Golf Event FUNdraiser will incorporate a post-game festive Kosher meal (awards ceremony, silent raffle, etc.), then consider whether if you want to “out-source” the food and event details to a Golf Course affiliated Kosher Caterer or if you will host the post-event activities at your Synagogue.

Hosting a successful Golf Event FUNdraiser takes money and your event sponsors are the key to covering costs and fundraising success, as each hole is an opening to another sponsorship. Promote your sponsors with a printed event program as well as though your Men’s Club, Brotherhood and Synagogue social media posts. Many businesses, especially smaller local businesses with limited advertising budgets, are looking for effective ways to promote their brand. If your Men’s Club, Brotherhood or Synagogue have active social media accounts, then explain to your sponsors how you plan to promote their brand through your social media resources. Tag your FUNdraiser sponsors in your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat posts and create a sponsorship page on your Men’s Club or Brotherhood webpage that links back to your sponsors’ websites. It’s easy to do and it adds value for your sponsors. Another tangible benefit for your event sponsors is “media rights“. Most of your local businesses sponsors have their own websites and social media accounts and granting your event sponsors the right to use event photos, videos, and graphics helps them create positive content for their audience and helps you to cast a wider net when marketing your event. Other alternative sponsorship options include a flag pin, golf cart or hole-in-one sponsorship. Don’t forget then subtle additional fundraising opportunity by offering a space for event participants to add an extra donation in addition to their event registration fee.

Now that you have planned out the major details of your Men’s Club or Brotherhood Golf Event FUNdraiser, it’s time to promote your event. Create a webpage on your Men’s Club, Brotherhood or Synagogue website to promote the event and provide registration details. Email is a cost effective way to announce sponsors, send out teasers, promote any sale, raffle, or auction items and solicit volunteers for your event. Utilize your organization’s email distribution list; plan an email marketing campaign that starts with a save-the date and ends with a final thank-you email and a post-event survey. Text marketing is another way to gain visibility for your event announcement, online registration form as well as to motivate recipients to increase overall donations during your event. Print materials like flyers, posters and banners are a great way to raise awareness of your event and offer more sponsorship opportunities; perhaps a local printing or graphic design company would be willing to sponsor your event by providing your print materials? Create a Press Release to promote your event in local media and reach out to local bloggers and influencers and ask them to help promote your event. Promote and share your event on Social Media; create a Facebook event page and use graphics and video to increase the buzz and make sure your Facebook event page settings allow social media sharing of your event registration page. Consider recording and/or streaming a video of your post-event awards banquet using Facebook Live or YouTube to increase visibility of your event.

It’s important to have a clear “Day of Event” plan of what needs to happen at your Men’s Club or Brotherhood Golf Fundraiser Event, from layout to volunteer assignments. Make sure you and all participants have a detailed schedule that lists everything from when the caterers arrive to what time you expect to be done with cleanup. Have a point person for each segment your event so that your participants, guests and volunteers know who to go for questions or concerns. Keep your guests engaged during your event with a “leaderboard” that shows top participants, sponsor information and a fundraising thermometer. Don’t forget to have a contingency plan so that participants, guests and volunteers will know what to do in case of inclement weather or other unexpected circumstances.

After your event is concluded, thank all of your volunteers, participants, sponsors, donors and supporters. Let them know the results of your Men’s Club / Brotherhood Golf Event Fundraiser and explain how those funds will be used. If your event raised funds for a bigger project like a new Synagogue building, then you can send periodic post-event progress reports so your participants can see the results of their efforts as time goes on. Include a survey in your post-event email to solicit event feedback and suggestions for changes you may need to make to create a more engaging and successful fundraiser the next time. Review all of your Golf FUNdraiser Event photos and videos and use these images to help promote your Men’s Club, Brotherhood and Synagogue.

The best part of organizing a Men’s Club or Brotherhood Golf Event FUNdraiser is that you do not need to reinvent the wheel or do it alone. Other Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods in Florida and across the country have previously organized Golf (or miniature Golf) Event Fundraisers and will be happy to share their experience. This is an ideal opportunity for your Men’s Club or Brotherhood to partner and coordinate with other nearby Clubs from day one in the planning process.

In conclusion, Men’s Club is Brotherhood – and organizing a Golf (or miniature golf) event FUNdraiser is a great way to have fun, raise funds and grow your Men’s Club or Brotherhood.

Your Florida Region of FJMC Webmaster wants partner with your Men’s Club or Brotherhood to help plan, organize and execute a successful multi-club “Men’s Club is Brotherhood” Golf Tournament FUNdraiser event in Florida during 5785. If you, your Men’s Club or Brotherhood members have a passion for Golf and you are interested in being part of a successful multi-club “Men’s Club is Brotherhood” Golf Tournament FUNdraiser, then please email RichNebb@gmail.com and join our strategic planning team.

This FUNdraising idea is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We serve the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at: www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.

The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.

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