February 22, 2025

During these trying times, when COVID-19 has caused many of us to be working from home, and most of us are staying in our homes to avoid potential exposure, the FJMC has launched a new initiative of on-line webinars, involving a multitude of subjects, including leadership development.  Check out the FJMC Webinars page and when you see a presentation you're interested in, tune in. Any webinar that was aired previous is available as  a recorded presentation.  Now more than ever, you'll understand the reality that Men's Club goes beyond your synagogue parking lot.

Going along with the same idea, Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) has made available Torah Online.  The JTS's faculty and teachers bring the depth and breadth of JTS learning directly to you through a rich collection of contemporary Jewish content, including everything from weekly parashah commentaries to marquee lecture recordings. JTS’s extensive online Torah resources reflect today’s most compelling conversations, research, and teaching from leaders in Jewish study—all available for learners around the world to explore and enjoy.

Both of these links can be found by selecting main menu bar's Programs and then Jewish Learning.  These and any additional educational links will be appear there for future reference.

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