March 31, 2025
IKC 2014T-outline
The International Kiddush Club (IKC) as many of you may know, has been busy hosting a variety of virtual events including Friday night l'chaims/Kabbalat Shabbat singing.  If you would like to be informed of these events, join IKC by sending an email

Dont forget to renew your membership on the convention registration and if you not attending the convention you can donate at

To see the IKC men in the news, check out this link

This is a fun and social group,  that have continued to raise funds for the Tefillin Fund, which now buys mezuzot too, and the total given to the Tefillin Fund exceeds over $100,000.00. Yasher Koach to all IKC members!

It may have been a while since your last convention, but the IKC is still active and looking forward to our next event in July of 2021, on the waterfront, in Chicago! As leaders of the FJMC, we have taken on a challenge to reinvigorate the Heneni/Century Club/FJMC100 which now be known as "Friends of the FJMC".

The funds raised will go towards the programming of the FJMC and we encourage everyone to stand with us and answer the call today, by proclaiming "Heneni". As Friends of the International Kiddush Club, your monthly donation will help the FJMC to continue to provide the outstanding quality programming and initiatives that we all know and promote in it's clubs and regions.

Please consider making an automatic donation. It's easy to do, and if we reach certain goals, matching donations "kick in" to double the effect. Recommended amounts for the monthly donation start at just $18, but you can make yours for any amount.
If you'rd rather make one contribution each year, just specify "Friends" when you donate and you're one of us.

Please talk to your fellow brothers and sisters to join us in answering this call and we truly appreciate your help in helping the FJMC to achieve it's goals.
Please click here to sign up.

All donors will be listed on the special "Friends of the FJMC" page on the FJMC website.


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