March 9, 2025

Many of our Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across Florida recently had, or will shortly be hosting a Men’s Club or Brotherhood Shabbat, a day (or weekend) that your Rabbi and Cantor can sit back in amazement as YOUR Men’s Club or Brotherhood members lead and participate in all aspects of the Shabbat service(s), regardless of level of observance, whether in Hebrew or English, in poetry or song, spoken word or non-speaking.

Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat requires a great amount of planning and effort, and the Florida Region of FJMC says Todah Rabah and Yasher Koach to each of you for a job well done.

Now that you have all proven yourselves as Jewish Men involved in Jewish Life, I have a special request for your Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods; your synagogue Minyan needs you.

Minyan is the Hebrew word that describes the quorum of ten Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. The word itself comes from the Hebrew root maneh (מנה)‎ meaning to count or to number.

Typically, a Minyan is needed in Jewish communal prayer for certain components of the regular daily or Shabbat services (including Barechu, Kedushah and the repetition of the Amidah), reading from the Torah and haftarah portions in synagogue, as well as the seven wedding blessings (Sheva Berachot), reciting the priestly blessing (Birkat Kohanim), saying the prayer for escaping a dangerous situation (Birkat HaGomel) and saying Kaddish.

The Mourner’s Kaddish is a special prayer said daily (or several times a day) by mourners for up to 11 months after the death of a loved one and must be recited in the presence of a Minyan. Over the past two years many of our Synagogues pivoted to a hybrid model of live and ZOOM based prayer, allowing each of our houses of worship to maintain a virtual minyan. Many of our Synagogues are beginning to transition back from virtual to live services; some are phasing out ZOOM services altogether.

It’s easy to get a minyan on Shabbos, or for a wedding, bris or bar mitzvah, but sometimes not so easy to get a LIVE minyan on a Tuesday. This is where Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across Florida can help.

Please mobilize your members as you did for Men’s Club / Brotherhood Shabbat and help to encourage and organize a rotation of participation by your members in your synagogue’s daily minyanim.  Whether your members participate in daily minyan once or several times a month, the presence of your Men’s Club and Brotherhood members will make a material difference to the life of someone that needs to say kaddish for a parent, child or loved one. Your participation can help ensure that your synagogue minyan will continue to function and be there for you, should you need or want to say Kaddish.

This message is brought to you by the Florida Region of FJMC. We serve the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the State of Florida from the Panhandle to Miami.  If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Get to know more about the Florida Region of FJMC and our growing statewide network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs on our website and please visit and LIKE our Facebook Group at

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