March 15, 2025
Barry and Sue Dvorchik

Meet Barry Dvorchik. Over twenty years ago, he and his wife Sue made the transition from snow filled winters in Richmond Virginia and Framingham Massachusetts to palm trees and Florida sunshine, and they soon found a second family at Congregation Kol Ami in Tampa, Florida. Barry faithfully served two terms on the Kol Ami’s Board of Trustees and chaired the Kol Ami dues committee, however his secret passion has always been the synagogue Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood is where its at

Barry was the inaugural recipient of the Mike Korenvaes (z”l) Brotherhood Man of the Year Award for his service, dedication, vision, and leadership. Barry had the vision and drive to resuscitate and revitalize Kol Ami’s former Men’s Club, which was essentially inactive. He invited a small group of guys to his home for brunch and to discuss his vision for a new and better Men’s Club for Kol Ami and somehow, he convinced each one of them to commit to a role on the Board. Soon, what he initially called Men’s Club 2.0 became the new Brotherhood of Congregation Kol Ami and a strong, growing and essential part of the Kol Ami kehillah.

The Chai Guys get stuff done: Mario R, Darren Kasanetz, Ari Horowitz, Yoav Rappaport, Jon Zimmer, Al Lenok, Dan Zimmerman, Philip Botwinik and Mark Tindell (kneeling)

Through his leadership, positive energy and can-do attitude, the Kol Ami Brotherhood implemented a many successful programs and events where men (and their families) came together to chill, including a Second Sunday Lecture Series, Steaks in the Sukkah, Craft Beer Tasting & Brewery Tours and Cigars & Spirits. The Brotherhood and reintroduced the distribution of Shoah Yellow Candles, World Wide Wrap and the Chai Guys.

Barry was the driving force behind the Kol Ami Brotherhood joining the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), raising funds to enable new Brotherhood officers to attend the 2019 FJMC International Convention in Toronto and moving Brotherhood out of its silo to interact with other local Men’s Clubs.

The Leaders of the Park: Mario Rodriguez, Gary Teblum (2021 Man or the Year), Jon Zimmer and Barry Dvorchik

These are only some of the incredible accomplishments that Kol Ami Brotherhood has been able to achieve largely because of Barry’s hard work and leadership. Barry currently serves as a Vice President of the Florida Region of FJMC.

Barry brought the Brotherhood from Zero to Hero and passed the baton of leadership to next Brotherhood President Mario Rodriguez, and ultimately to current Brotherhood President Jon Zimmer. Barry Dvorchik, along with Mario Rodriguez and Jon Zimmer invite you to learn more about the Brotherhood at and visit them on Facebook at

The Kol Ami Brotherhood is a proud member of the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We serve the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the State of Florida from the Panhandle to Miami.  If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Get to know more about the Florida Region of FJMC and our growing statewide network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods on our website and please visit and LIKE our Facebook Group at

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