March 10, 2025
Please tune in Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 9pm ET when the FJMC will host an informative and delicious Webinar: "Food In American Jewish Comedy", presented by Ted Merwin, Ph.D.

Food is a major part of Jewish life and thus, not surprisingly, it is also a central theme in the routines of a wide range of Jewish entertainers from the mid-20th century to the present.  This interactive, fun-filled talk will use musical and stand-up comedy clips to show how food has provided fodder for the work of Myron Cohen, Mickey Katz, Allan Sherman, Jackie Mason, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Elon Gold, and other humorists. We will explore how comedy about food relates both to a Jewish and to a mainstream audience, and discuss how both food and humor still anchor much of American Jewish identity.

Please tune in on Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 9pm ET when the FJMC will host an informative and delicious Webinar: “Food In American Jewish Comedy”, presented by Ted Merwin, Ph.D. To register for this free Webinar, please visit:

FJMC webinars are a positive diversion in these very tough times; please join us.

Ted Merwin, Ph.D. has given hundreds of talks on Jewish humor in synagogues, JCCs, libraries, book festivals, and universities from coast to coast. He is the author of Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Deli (which won a National Jewish Book Award) and In Their Own Image: New York Jews in Jazz Age Popular Culture. His articles on Jewish culture have appeared in the New York TimesWashington PostHaaretzNewsweek, and many other publications. A long-time former professor of religion and Judaic studies at Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pa), Ted serves now as senior writer for the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), based in New York and Washington, DC. He lives in Baltimore with his wife and three daughters. 

This message is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at

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