March 9, 2025
The primary goal of the COS Men’s Club is to support our synagogue and its membership through fundraising for our youth, synagogue service projects and various social functions

Congregation Ohev Shalom (COS) is a fully egalitarian, vibrant Conservative congregation offering inspirational worship and innovative programs that connect us to the beauty and power of the Jewish experience, enabling our members to cultivate a relationship to Judaism that is meaningful and relevant to their lives. COS has a diverse and active membership, enabling them to build a strong community that is welcoming, inclusive, and participatory. At over 100 years old, they are proud to be the greater Orlando area’s oldest synagogue. Ohev Shalom warmly welcomes the membership and participation of interfaith couples and families, as well as people of every ability, background, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status.

The primary goal of the COS Men’s Club is to support our synagogue and its membership through fundraising for our youth, synagogue service projects and various social functions. Some recent programs and activities include monthly bike rides, our annual Super Bowl Raffle and other social activities for our members, funding transportation costs for USY and Kadima programs and conventions, hosting Sunday morning breakfast and speaker events, organizing the annual World Wide Wrap and Men’s Club Shabbat, distributing Yom Hashoah candles to synagogue members, ushering for High Holiday and weekly Shabbat services, cooking and serving food for the synagogue’s Chanukah Party and Purim Carnival, providing gifts to our B’nai Mitzvot celebrants that foster their continued involvement , actively participating in Ma’asim Tovim (our synagogue’s social action organization for feeding the homeless) and sponsoring, planning and presenting “Men’s Night Out”— an annual community event bringing together affiliated and unaffiliated Jewish men to network, forge new friendships, and celebrate our common bond, all while benefiting local Jewish education.

Over the past year, the COS Men’s Club facilitated frequent opportunities for fun, frivolity and fellowship, including a family friendly Hockey event to see the Orlando Solar Bears take on the Greenville Swamp Rabbits, a “Grill and Chill Night Out” and an innovative and original “Men’s Club Collectible Program”, introducing the world of collecting to kids and adults alike. ome one, come all and have a ball.

The Congregation Ohev Shalom Men’s Club has two cool programs on the summer 2024 schedule to help you beat the summer heat. On Sunday morning August 11, the COS Men’ Club will host “Seniors Only Bingo” for folk ages 55 and up. Please register and RSVP at:

Please save the date for your chance to become a superhero. On Sunday August 18 the COS Men’s Club will be hosting a blood drive from 8:30am to 1:00pm. Blood donors save lives and this is your chance to roll up your sleeve, pay it forward and save a life. Donating blood is important because it helps people in need and keeps the nation’s blood supply stable. Blood is essential and can’t be manufactured, and every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood donations can help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries.

Looking ahead to 5785, incoming Ohev Shalom Men’s Club President Mark Berkowitz is seeking a few good men to join the COS Men’s Club board as they begin to plan programming for the coming year. Please email to join his team and be part of the future of Men’s Club.

Learn more about the Congregation Ohev Shalom Men’s Club at, or on their Facebook Group For more information, email incoming Men’s Club President Mark Berkowitz at, Immediate Past President Neal Blaher at or Ohev Shalom Membership Vice President Elliott Davis at

The Congregation Ohev Shalom Men’s Club of Maitland, Florida is a proud member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), a global confederation of over 200 affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, Mumbai India and beyond. The FJMC’s mission is to involve Jewish men in Jewish life. Learn more about how your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate at

The Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the state of Florida. How can we help you? Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at

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