February 12, 2025
A roundup of Summer 2024 Florida Region FJMC, Men's Club and Brotherhood Activities, Programs and Events.

Summer in Florida gets hot and the Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods of Florida Region FJMC are planning some cool programs to help beat the heat. The events listed below are just a small sampling of the planned activities of Florida Region FJMC Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods through summer 2024 and beyond.

Save the date, make a plan, come to the 2024 Florida Region FJMC Weekend Ruach Retreat, live and in person over the weekend of November 1 to 3, 2024, centrally located at the beautiful Sheraton Orlando North in Maitland, Florida. Relax and be stimulated by Brotherhood and ruach, camaraderie and conversation, learning, Havdalah under the stars by the pool (weather permitting), delicious Kosher food and Jewish learning, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Experience a immersive weekend of participatory services, passionate davening, singing loud and proud in spontaneous multi-part harmony, hanging out with the guys, talking, connecting, bonding and learning together and so much more. More information coming soon …

The Men’s Club’s and Brotherhoods of Congregation Ohev Shalom (Maitland), Temple Israel (Winter Springs), Congregation Beth Am (Longwood), the Congregation of Reform Judaism (Orlando) and the Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation (SOJC) in conjunction with Shalom Orlando cordially invite you to SAVE THE DATE for the 8th Annual Orlando Jewish Community “Men’s Night Out” on Thursday November 7, 2024 – more details coming soon.

On July 18, the Temple Israel Men’s Club of Winter Springs will host a lively 4th Amendment discussion; the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. On August 18, Men’s Clubwill make a splash with an Introduction to Scuba program. On September 8, Men’s Club will sponsor a domino and backgammon competition. Ongoing Temple Israel Men’s Club programs include a bowling league and a monthly, first Monday poker game at Temple Israel. Looking ahead, save the dates for a special Temple Israel Men’s Club Shabbaton at Lake Louisa Park, January 31 to February 2, 2025. For more information or to RSVP, please email Club President Natan Brener at: NatanBrener@gmail.com.

The Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation Men’s Club is planning a full slate of programming and activities for Summer 2024 and beyond, including a “Pizza and Game Afternoon,” a local “Dinner and a Movie night,” and a “Boating and Wading Day” on the lakes in Orlando during July. Everyone is invited to join the Men’s Club on Sunday morning October 6, 2024 for bagels, brotherhood and to help erect the SOJC Congregational Sukkah (no experience required). Also, please join the SOJC Men’s Club on Saturday evening October 19 for an adults-only evening of “Spirits in the Sukkah”. For more information about the SOJC Men’s Club, please Club President Mitch Katcher at: mensclub@SOJC.org.

The Congregation Beth Shalom Brotherhood of Clearwater is planning an exciting season of programs and events, including a trip to a Tampa Bay Rays Game on August 11, Suds in the Sukkah, a special Veteran’s Shabbat service, a Craft Beer Tour, a night of NHL Hockey for Tampa Bay Lightning Jewish Heritage Night as well as the Brotherhood Annual Fundraiser event, tentatively scheduled for January 5, 2025. The CBS Brotherhood generally meet via Zoom on the third Thursday of the month; please email Brotherhood President David Sadowski at Dsadowsky85@gmail.com for a link to the next meeting.

The Temple Beth Sholom Men’s of Sarasota Club invites you to meet the guys, make new friends and kick off 5784 by helping to put up the Temple’s sukkah. The Temple Beth Sholom Men’s Club meets monthly via zoom. For more information; please email Club President Joel Servetz at VideoByJoel@aol.com or info@tbssrq.org.

The Temple Beth El Men’s Club of West Palm Beach hosts a monthly Men’s Club Board meeting and mini-dinner. Men’s Club President Sol Beck invites you to come for a nosh, meet the guys and take a seat at the table. Please RSVP to Sol Beck at TBEMensClub23@Gmail.com for more information.

On July 28, the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club of Boynton Beach will take a trip to FAU in Boca Raton to see Xanadu, Live on Stage! the following week on August 25, the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club will take part in the Miami Marlins Jewish Community Celebration. From there, Men’s Club members will be get busy packing Honey for Rosh Hashanah, raising the communal synagogue Sukkah and “raising a glass” for a special paid-up membership Men’s Club event in the Sukkah on October 20. The Torat Emet Men’s Club is planning a joint event with Sisterhood on October 27, an afternoon of live theater at FAU on November 10 to see “The Last Yiddish Speaker” and a special Kristallnacht commemoration program on November 17. Save the Date for a possible December 24 event at Torat Emet, more information coming soon. For more information about the Torat Emet Men’s Club, please email Ira Brandell at IraBrandell@bellsouth.net.

The Temple Beth Am Men’s Club of Margate invites you to have fun and join their annual Football Pool FUNdraiser for a chance to win a few shekels, Buy your tickets HERE. On Sunday August 18th, Men’s club will host a Back to Shul BBQ as part of the Temple Open House weekend. The following week, August 25th, the Temple Beth Am Men’s Club invites you to the annual Miami Marlins Jewish Community Celebration Game vs. the Chicago Cubs. On Sunday September 15 at 7pm, the Beth Am Men’s Club will sponsor a unique “Jews in Baseball” Zoom event / discussion on the entertaining and laugh-filled behind the scenes story of the iconic Jews in Baseball artwork. You’ll hear about the multi-year quest of a Jewish baseball fan who brought together every significant living major league Jewish baseball player to participate, autograph, and tell their inside stories. For more information or to register visit: https://www.beth-am.org/event/jews-in-baseball. On Sunday November 3, the Beth Am Men’s Club will sponsor a powerful Kristallnacht commemoration program, “My Kindertransport Experience” featuring when guest speaker Walter Klein. Ongoing club activities include a weekly Monday evening Men’s Club Bingo game. If you have never played Bingo, give it a try. It’s so much fun, especially if you win the Power Ball for $1000!!

The Temple Beth David Men’s Club of Palm Beach Gardens will host a Baseball Night at Roger Dean Stadium on Thursday, July 25th at 6:30pm to see the Daytona Tortugas take on the Jupiter Hammerheads at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to join the Temple Beth David family of families for a fun evening at the ball park, with seats in a RESERVED AIR CONDITIONED SUITE! Tickets for this fun, family friendly event are only $20 for adults and $10 for kids. Tickets are limited; reserve your seat in the air conditioned TBD suite at: https://templebethdavidfl.shulcloud.com/form/july-25th-baseball-game.html#. With 5785 just around the corner, the Temple Beth David Men’s Club looks forward to an exciting year of enriching experiences, social nights of fun, food and friendship. Stay tuned for more information. Please email Temple Beth David Men’s Club President Mark Paul at MarkPPaul@gmail.com for more information.

Over the summer, the leadership of the Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood of Wellington has worked tirelessly on tweaking and improving on its successful 2023-24 social calendar. August sees the return of our popular monthly Bros Night Out social gatherings August 22 at Wellington’s Buffalo Wild Wings. Our first meeting of the new year is August 25, followed by attendance at the Florida Marlins’ Jewish Heritage Day contest against the Chicago Cubs that afternoon. On September 12, we will be having our annual Kickoff Party & Football Night at Wellington’s Buffalo Wild Wings; the Buffalo Bills are in Miami to take on our hometown Dolphins in a matchup of American Football Conference East rivals – be there! A charity poker tournament is also on the agenda for September. During October, we will be volunteering and operating a relief station at the annual The Western Ride charity bike event to raise money for Donnah’s Fund – Women In Distress, and will also be constructing the Temple Beth Torah Sukkah right after the High Holy Days take place. Learn more about the Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood at http://www.tbtbrotherhood.com/ and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/tbtbrotherhood. For more information please email Brotherhood President Paul Gaba at westpaulbeach@gmail.com.

The Brotherhood of Kol Ami (Tampa) invites all Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods to tune in on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 10am ET for a LIVE Webinar on the topic: “What is DEI and is it good for the Jews?” featuring guest speaker David Bernstein. As per Kol Ami Brotherhood President Jon Zimmer, “this is an in person event in the Kol Ami Social Hall, but we will also be putting it on ZOOM to make it available to all FJMC clubs“. A full brunch is being served to those able to attend in person. Advance registration is required at https://www.kolami.org/form/brotherhood-kickoff-2024.html and if coming for brunch then please RSVP by Aug. 21 to brotherhood.kolami@gmail.com. To join the program via ZOOM, please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83002619704 and enter Meeting ID: 830 0261 9704. Learn more about the Kol Ami Brotherhood at https://www.kolami.org/brotherhood.html and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kolamitampa/, or email Brotherhood President Jon Zimmer at: brotherhood.kolami@gmail.com.

The Congregation Ohev Shalom Men’s Club (Maitland) has two cool programs on the summer 2024 schedule to help you beat the summer heat. On Sunday morning August 11, the COS Men’ Club will host “Seniors Only Bingo” for folk ages 55 and up. Please register and RSVP at: https://www.ohevshalom.org/event/seniors-bingo3.html. The following Sunday August 18, the COS Men’s Club will be hosting a blood drive from 8:30am to 1:00pm. Blood donors save lives and this is your chance to roll up your sleeve, pay it forward and save a life.

The Congregation B’nai Torah Men’s Club (Ormond Beach) Fall 2024 programming schedule begins on Sunday September 29 with a Paid-Up Members Ice Cream Social. The official CBT Men’s Club 5785 inaugural event, “Schnapps in the Sukkah”, will take place on Sunday October 20. On Sunday November 17, the CBT Men’s Club is planning a “Brunch and Shoot Gun Safety Program” at local shooting range. Other planned CBT Men’s Club 2024/2025 programs and events (dates pending) include a workshop hosted by congregant Ray Leonard, co-author of the new book “Sons of Srol”, Men’s Club Shabbat, a Hearing Men’s Voices program and a Men’s Club Golf Outing. Looking ahead, save the date for the FJMC World Wide Wrap, Sunday on Superbowl Sunday February 9, 2025.

The Florida Region of FJMC want to help promote and amplify YOUR upcoming Men’s Club or Brotherhood’s programs and events. Please email your club programming calendar to: Webmaster@FloridaRegionFJMC.org.

This message is proudly brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We are part of a confederation of over 200 affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, Mumbai, India and beyond. Learn more about how your Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.

The Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Club’s and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.

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