Create your unique and innovative programming either by significantly altering and enhancing a previous program idea, or by creating a new novel program within the categories listed herein.
Plan to attend the 2021 International Convention (virtual) where awards will be presented and where you can share your enthusiasm, achievements and commitment with fellow Men’s Club leaders.
The purposes of the Torch Award Program are to:
1. Promote development of new, adapted or enhanced club programming and practices.
2. Reward programs and practices that achieve excellence. Gold, Silver and Bronze Torch Awards are presented across various categories based on the individual quality of programs.
3. Disseminate the best of club programming and practices. Awarded entries will be accessible through the FJMC website for other clubs to read, view video, adopt or adapt.
4. Use Torch Awards as example programs to assist all FJMC clubs to qualify for the FJMC Quality Club Awards.
5. Provide selected entries for display at the Convention 2021 Program Fair, showcasing the effort and creativity of Men’s Clubs around the world.
6. Educate and stimulate club leaders at Convention 2021 with program ideas.
Timeline and Eligibility
1. Clubs participating must be in good standing as of March 31, 2021. (Club dues and Membership list received by FJMC)
2. Programs to be considered for an award must have taken place between April 1, 2019 and April 15, 2021.
3. Torch Award entries must be submitted by April 23, 2021. We don’t want you to be caught in a last-minute rush. Hence, additional credit will be added to scores for applications submitted prior to March 1, 2021.
Club Awards
Club Awards will be given for innovative, adapted or enhanced program development in one of the following Categories:
• Club Administration - publicity, membership enhancement, leadership training, etc.
• Community Outreach - programs that donate time and/or resources to benefit the community
• Educational Programming – programs focused on learning in an area outside of other categories, whether for youth or adults
• FJMC Other – FJMC programs which are not included in the other torch award categories
• Fundraising – programs which involve your club and community in raising funds
• Health and Wellness - programs that promote physical and mental health
• Hearing Men’s Voices – innovative formats or topics which engage new members in ongoing sessions; integrating into other synagogue activities; or formation of new HMV groups in other communities
• Israel / Masorti - programs that promote Israeli or Masorti causes worldwide
• Jewish Observance - programs that encourage, promote, and develop Jewish observance
• Joint Programming – programs run between local, regional, national, or international clubs
• Keruv – trained lay/professional partnerships which welcome interfaith men and women into our synagogues and family life
• Men’s Club Shabbat – programs which engage members as Shabbat leaders and grow your club
• Programming for Younger Men, 39 and younger – when we reach out to younger men, we strengthen our abilities
• Shomrei Ha’aretz - programs that promote and address environmental concerns
• Synagogue Service Project - programs to support specific needs of the congregation
• World Wide Wrap – we lead by example and teach through innovative engagement using all media, method and spirit
• Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle – programs which distribute Yellow Candles and encourage remembrance
• Family And Youth Programming - programs which engage families, and or congregation youth from pre-school through high school
• COVID-19 – New or adapted programs that are innovatively produced in the face of COVID-19
• Best Overall Activities – high standard of a full year’s activities.
If you are not sure of the most appropriate category, the chairmen will review your submission and decide for you. Gold, Silver and Bronze awards will be issued. The Gold level will recognize the highest level of innovative programming. There may not be a Gold Award in each category. Silver and Bronze Awards are intended to recognize excellent, well documented programs that can be duplicated by other clubs.
At the discretion of the Co-Chairs, there may be multiple awards at each level. Awards for Best Overall Program(s) will be presented to those receiving the highest cumulative scores across all categories. Programs will not be submitted specifically for an Overall Program award. Determination will be at the
discretion of the Chairmen.
Awards will be presented at the 2021 International Convention. Entries and videos will be made accessible through the FJMC website.
Region Awards
This year, for the first time, awards will be made to regions that do the most to encourage and support their clubs in participation. The Region Participation Award will be given to the regions with the highest percentage of clubs submitting at least one application. The Overall Region Torch Award will be given to the regions with the highest weighted number of Torch Awards, where Gold is 3, Silver is 2 and Bronze is 1.
Click the button below to access the application form.
Note: You must be logged on to the FJMC website to submit your club's application.
The purpose of the FJMC is to involve Jewish Men in Jewish Life. It is the ideal place to connect with one another, build friendships, and provide an opportunity to support our core values of prayer, service, and brotherhood. If you have any questions about the submission process, please don’t hesitate to ask any of our Region leaders or your Men's Club local leaders.