Jonathan Zimmer, President of the Men’s Club / Brotherhood of Congregation Kol Ami of Tampa, Florida, tells us that it has been an active time for the Kol Ami Brotherhood. Even with the pandemic still going on, the Brotherhood is being responsible and staying actively involved in many aspects of Kol Ami. “We recently had a Hearing Men’s Voices session with Rabbi Marc Blatt, and while those sessions are confidential, I can say we all enjoyed ourselves and had a spirited discussion about many topics involving Judaism. We will be doing more in the future. We also had a very good turnout of around a dozen people at our Happy Hour event, sitting outside at Tampa Joe’s on Anderson Road. It is always nice to get to schmooze and bond with our fellow brothers (and sisters!) in a more relaxed setting”.
“February means two things for the Kol Ami Brotherhood; the Annual World Wide Wrap Day and Super Bowl Sunday. We are involving men and women this year to learn how to do the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin. Later in the day, we will be holding our annual Super Bowl party. We are going to put the big screen outdoors, watch outside, and grill hot dogs (beef, chicken and veggie), along with having plenty of other standard game watching food. We will have our Super Bowl squares contest, and present the coveted “Kiddush Cup” to the winner of the Kol Ami 2021 Fantasy Football league. Many things are still on the horizon for this calendar year – the Man of the Year Award, Hearing Men’s Voices sessions, happy hours, and more! I’m also planning on having a movie screening of a 2019 film called “The Vigil”, which is the rare movie genre of a “Jewish horror film.” Stay tuned for further details”. Club President Jonathan Zimmer welcomes you to learn more about the Men’s Club / Brotherhood of Kol Ami at: https://www.kolami.org/brotherhood.html.
The Kol Ami Brotherhood is part of the interconnected statewide network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs that comprise the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We serve the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs across the State of Florida from the Panhandle to Miami. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing statewide network of dynamic Men’s Clubs at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.