September 7, 2024
Temple Beth Am of Margate Florida hosts Men's Club Shabbat on – Live and In Person – on Saturday morning March 26, 2022

Temple Beth Am of Margate Florida invites everyone to join them for the return of Men’s Club Shabbat – Live and In Person – on Saturday morning March 26, 2022 beginning at 9:30am.  Beth Am Men’s Club President Larry Schwartz is excited that roughly 30 members of Beth Am Men’s Club will stand and deliver a Men’s Club Shabbat to remember.  Men’s Club will also be sponsoring a special cake for Kiddush lunch after services. “We have not put on a Men’s Club Shabbat in almost 10 years and as the Men’s Club president I really wanted to put this back in the schedule”, said Schwartz. “The sisterhood runs their Shabbat each and every year so I figured why not us?”


Throughout the year, the Men’s Club at Temple Beth Am presents many unique and timely opportunities to generate new friendships, deepen existing friendships and develop an exciting, rewarding and very special Jewish Community among our members. We provide fun and dynamic social, athletic and tikkun olam opportunities to come together by combining non shul based activities with a Jewish component.


The Men’s Club at Temple Beth Am offers all members an opportunity to establish life-long friendships. Our programming offers a broad range of activities, including Trivia Night, Karaoke, Sporting Event Trips (Marlins, Panthers, Dolphins), Sunday Speaker Series and much more. We also help support the Temple through various fundraising activities including running Monday night Bingo and seasonal raffles.  Get to know more about the Temple Beth Am Men’s Club of Margate, Florida and our vibrant and growing Jewish community on our website and please visit and like us on Facebook at For further information about the Temple Beth Am Men’s Club of Margate, Florida please contact Men’s Club President Larry Schwartz at


The Beth Am Men’s Club is just one of the many active and dynamic Men’s Clubs that are part of the Florida Region of the FJMC. We serve the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs across the State of Florida from the Panhandle to Miami.  If your Men’s Club is not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us. Get to know more about the Florida Region of FJMC and our growing statewide network of dynamic Jewish Men’s Clubs on our website and please visit and LIKE our Facebook Group at

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