ALL South Florida Men Club and Brotherhood members and their family and friends are cordially invited to join the Temple Beth Am Men’s Club of Margate, Florida for a fun day of deep sea drift fishing.
Join Men’s Club for a 4-hour deep sea fishing adventure as we drop our lines in search of snapper, cobia, kingfish, tuna, and more. We set sail on Sunday, September 18 at 8:30am sharp on the 101 foot Starlight Fleet from the Hillsboro Inlet Fishing Center, 2705 North Riverside Drive in Pompano Beach, Florida; please arrive by 8:00 AM.
Don’t have your own fishing rod? No worries, all the gear is available on the boat. The friendly mates and captain will take you to the fish, help you reel in the big fish, and bait your rods. The fee of $60/ticket includes 4 hours of fishing, fishing gear, and gratuity. Go in first class comfort with a professional crew on an outstanding fishing boat. Bait, tackle and license included. You may bring your own food and drink on board with you, as long as you have your sea legs. Don’t forget your sunscreen and dress for the Florida summer heat.
For more information about Starlight Fleet, go to Starlight Fleet Florida
Questions? Contact Larry Schwartz at 954-298-8923 or at mensclub@beth-am.org
.This trip is rain or shine.
Men’s Club President Larry Schwartz welcomes you to learn more about Temple Beth Am, our inclusive Men’s Club and all of our upcoming activities at https://www.beth-am.org/mens-club.
The Beth Am Men’s Club is a member of the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We serve the needs of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the State of Florida from the Panhandle to Miami. If you are not yet affiliated with the Federation, then today is the day to join us.
Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing statewide network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.