The State of Florida is huge. Most of Florida’s 65,000+ square mile land area...
Rich Nebb
Webmaster, Social Media Coordinator and Content Administrator for the Florida Region of the FJMC - We serve the needs of affiliated Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. How can we help you?
Organizing a Men’s Club Golf Event Fundraiser is a great way to have fun...
The frightening conflict in Ukraine is beyond heartbreaking to watch unfold. With cities throughout...
The Men’s Club / Brotherhood of Congregation Kol Ami in Tampa invite one and...
The “Mitzvah Men’s Club” of Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI) in St. Petersburg, Florida is...
Bylaws are the operational rules meant to guide the functioning of your Men’s Club....
Jonathan Zimmer, President of the Men’s Club / Brotherhood of Congregation Kol Ami of...
Join us at the FJMC Shabbaton and Retreat, March 31 – April 3, 2022...