International Kiddush Club
The mission of the International Kiddush Club is to raise money to purchase tefillin and mezuzot for South American Jews who cannot afford these important items. Since its establishment in 2001, IKC has raised over $100,000 and had a lot of fun while doing it. The FJMC IKC Tefillin Fund has been able to deliver hundreds of Mezuzot to the Jewish community in Cuba. Additionally, dozens of sets of Tefillin have been distributed to our Masorti affiliates in Central and South America, Europe, Africa and Israel. We continue to support the Women of the Wall in Israel with Tefillin. Yasher Koach to all IKC members.
The IKC is also a FUN raising organization. All IKC members are invited to a special Friday Oneg Shabbat and Scotch tasting at the FJMC biennial Convention. We also host a weekly ZOOM based L”Chaim and weekly ZOOM Kabbalat Shabbat services with our friends from the Cantors Assembly, along with our partners, MERCAZ-Canada, MERCAZ-USA, FJMC & WLCJ.
IF you would like join our weekly L’Chaim, then please send an e-mail 1@kiddushclub.org including your FULL contact info and we will add you to the list.
Please learn more about the International Kiddush Club at https://kiddushclub.org/
1 of Fifths
“There are many who can execute and display magnificent fireworks; but who knows how to kindle a spark in the darkness of a soul?” – The Spirit of Jewish Prayer, Professor Abraham Joshua Heschel
“I tell people,” the rabbi said, “that the three most important words for synagogue attendance are ‘Kiddush to follow.’”