September 13, 2024
Beginners Yiddish with stories, songs, jokes, plenty of translation and participation hosted by Al Davis.

Yiddish Lite is meant for beginners – those who wish to learn a bissele (a little) Yiddish, common words and phrases), a few simple songs that maybe Bubby or Zeyde sang to you, and a vitz (joke) here and there. Participants will come away from each session with a greater appreciation of the Yiddish language and an ever-increasing Yiddish vocabulary, building a glossary of terms as we go along. Yiddish Lite is a delight. Whether you know no Yiddish at all, or who ken redn a bissel — can speak a little — Yiddish Lite is right for you.

Al Davis: Mensch

Yiddish Lite Affinity Group Leader, Al Davis, invites you to join Yiddish Lite, “where you’ll be able to get a feel for the language orn shverekeit — without difficulty. We develop our vocabulary learning songs our bubbies and zeydes knew well and sang (maybe to us, as children) often, as well as with a Yiddish vitz (joke) or meiseh (story). We build an ongoing vocabulary, reviewing often, and send a list of all new words/expressions, as well as the updated glossary, after each session. We’re having a grand time reconnecting with the mammaloshen spoken by our parents and grandparents“, says Al Davis. “We’re learning expressions, how to cuss, songs, stories, and jokes. It’s a fun hour. Zeits gezundt.”

Please tune in for the next exciting installment of “Yiddish Lite”, live and in person on Zoom on Tuesday, December 5 (next session December 19) at 8PM EDT; click HERE to register. Note, because this is not a formal class, you can jump in now without feeling like you’ve missed anything. With your first session, you will have the full glossary of words and expressions they’ve used to date. Likewise, you will be able to obtain copies of all the songs (Yiddish transliteration and English translation) and stories. Do come — and feel free to tell friends or loved ones.

NU? Now that I have your attention, here is a bissele Yiddish to make you kvell and get you in the mood for Yiddish Lite:

blundje: lose one’s way

brekh/brekhakhtz: vomit (verb)/vomit (noun)

di naar shtupt im/er: the fool is poking him/her

farmisht: mixed up/all shook up, as in an acute disturbance

fartummelt: befuddled, confused

farvert: forbidden

greps vasser: seltzer

kishka: delicacy made from flour, oil, spices—formerly cooked inside a cow’s intestine

luftmensch: a dreamer, one whose head is in the clouds

mir ken tsubrekhen di tzeyner oif dem verter: one can break one’s teeth on these words

mir ken brekhen fun deym: you can vomit from this, i.e., it makes me sick/disgusting!

nite: no! (similar to nyu-nyu-ny, but used on an older child)

nyu-nyu-nyu: no,no, no – as to a child doing something s/he shouldn’t

parkirn farvert: no parking, i.e. parking forbidden

ye/yo: yes

Yiddish Lite is part of a growing list of FJMC Affinity Groups and is offered at no charge to Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods across the United States and around the world.  Learn more at or email Al Davis at Learning Yiddish is riches as well as delicious; it is sweeter than honey and worth more than money. Register for Yiddish Lite tonight and be mensch tomorrow.

This invitation to join Yiddish Lite is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at

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