January 16, 2025
Yom HaShoah begins at sundown Wednesday April 23, 2025 / 27 Nisan 5785.

A message from Florida Region FJMC President Ed Kochman:

The Federation Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) Florida Region is pleased to announce that David Yellin of Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club (Boynton Beach) has graciously accepted the appointment as the State of Florida Region Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Chairman effective Immediately. David will coordinate statewide sales and distribution of the FJMC Yom Ha Shoah Yellow Candle and assist both affiliated and participating non-affiliated clubs to achieve the highest quantity discounts available and to have a successful program. The Shoah Yellow Candle Program has also been endorsed by the Florida FJMC Rabbinic Advisor, Rabbi Michael Klein, also of Temple Torat Emet in Boynton Beach FL. FJMC Florida Regional President, Ed Kochman proudly announced the appointment of David Yellin on Wednesday November 27, 2024. David is replacing Jonathan Zimmer in that position. Jonathan is slated to become the next Florida Region President when Ed’s term ends in July 2025.

Sharing Light For Remembrance

Nearly a half century ago, FJMC leaders created the Shoah Yellow Candle™ as a living symbol for home observance of Yom HaShoah Day. This year we light the Shoah Yellow Candle™ at sundown on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.

Why in the Home?

Light a Candle – Preserve a Memory

Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) is sometimes commemorated with large mass gatherings in communities and synagogues. FJMC has long understood that Holocaust Remembrance should also take place in the home to allow people to reflect on the horrors of the Holocaust and how they affected Jews generations later. The Shoah Yellow Candle™ is mechanism for families to gather for a moment to teach and to explain to our children and grandchildren the impact and the survival of that horrific moment in Jewish history. Families annually come together to light the Shoah Yellow Candle™, to remember, to teach, and not to forget.

Why the Shoah Yellow Candle™?

The Yellow Candle reminds us of the Yellow Star that Jews were forced to wear to identify them as Jews and open them to ridicule and persecution. On the night of Yom HaShoah the candles are lit in homes across the globe to shine a light of memory, a light of education, and a light that we will never forget. Men’s Clubs and other organizations order the Candle through this program and distribute them to their members with a short explanation of the program. By participating in this program, you are helping to keep the memory of the Shoah alive and prevent similar heinous crimes or repeat offenses.

Each year, the FJMC Shoah Yellow Candle™ Program distributes tens of thousands Yellow Candles™ to Men’s Clubs, Brotherhoods and houses of worship to help remember the Holocaust. Men’s Clubs and other organizations around the world order Yellow Candles™ from the FJMC and distribute them to their membership with a short explanation of the program. On the night of Yom HaShoah, the candles are lit in homes across the globe to shine a light of memory, a light of education, and a light that we will never forget. By participating in this program, you are helping to keep the memory of the Shoah alive and to remember what could happen if we don’t stand up for ourselves. Yom HaShoah begins at sundown Wednesday April 23, 2025 / 27 Nisan 5785. All Men’s clubs and Brotherhoods are encouraged to start planning your programs now and take the first step of ordering/replenishing your supply of Yellow Candles™ and mailers at https://yellowcandle.fjmc.org/.

Yasher Koach and Kol Hakavod to David Yellin of Temple Torat Emet of Boynton Beach for assuming the role of 5785 Florida Region FJMC Yellow Candle Chairman. The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Learn more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at: www.floridaregionfjmc.org and please visit & LIKE our Facebook Group at: www.facebook.com/FloridaRegionFJMC.

The FJMC is a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn how YOUR Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at: https://fjmc.org/for-clubs/affiliating-with-the-fjmc/.

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