March 4, 2025
- A summary of published posts to between July 1 to November 1, 2023

During the four months between July 1, 2023 through November 1, 2023, published 110 new web posts that fell into six major content categories: (1) spotlight the activities of Florida Region FJMC affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods; (2) publicize FJMC programs and activities; (3) promote upcoming FJMC Affinity Group webinars; (4) repost important messages from FJMC Regional and International leadership; (5) recurring Jewish learning posts, including a weekly Choose Shabbat article themed to the weekly Torah portion; and (6) club services, including member / leadership training and seeding regional multi-club social events.

The Florida Region FJMC website began July 2023 with a series of *live* posts on the daily activities at FJMC Biennial Convention in Philadelphia (*no posting was done on Shabbos*) and a message from incoming (2023-2025) Florida Region FJMC President Ed Kochman. During July, we posted about two upcoming Florida Region baseball events, Jewish Community Day with the Tampa Bay Rays and the Miami Marlins Jewish Heritage Celebration; both on August 27. Other posting highlights included two club member and leadership training posts; “Grow your Men’s Club or Brotherhood through Social Media and “Summer is Here – What’s Hot on Your Calendar“.

August 2023 featured 22 new posts including the FJMC Inclusion Initiative, the Rabbi Joel S. Geffen Leadership Development Institute (LDI) and the 2024 Anshei Darom Retreat, as well as a spotlight on Florida Region FJMC Regional Advisor Elliott Davis, the Brotherhood of Kol Ami (Tampa) the Temple Israel Men’s Club of Winter Springs and the Congregation Ohev Shalom (COS) Men’s Club of Maitland, Florida for their Silver FJMC “Torch Award” for outstanding Club programming for their “Help For Ukraine” fundraising campaign. Other August posting highlights included articles about multiple FJMC Affinity Groups, member and leadership training: “How to Chair a Brotherhood Meeting In 10 Easy Steps” and the FJMC Keynote Series Kick-Off Program with Rabbi Raucher & Alan Budman.

During September 2023, Florida Region FJMC published 36 new posts with a focus on (1) Jewish learning connected to the High Holidays, (2) upcoming FJMC Affinity Groups and (3) to spotlight a few of our Florida Region FJMC clubs, including Torat Emet Men’s Club (Boynton Beach), Congregation B’nai Israel Mitzvah Men’s Club (St. Petersburg), Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center Brotherhood, Congregation Beth Shalom Brotherhood (Clearwater), Beth Am Men’s Club (Margate), B’nai Torah Men’s Club (Boca Raton) and the Temple Beth El Men’s Club (West Palm). Other September posting highlights included articles about Florida Region FJMC Chanukah Hockey night with the Florida Panthers on December 6, FJMC and Israel Advocacy, Sefer Haftarah, Kristallnacht and a save-the-date post for World Wide Wrap 2024 and Yom Hashoah. We also posted a spotlight on Marcaz USA, an article that asked the question, who will be your Man of the Year, member and leadership training on the topic “Essential Elements of an Effective Men’s Club Newsletter” and a special message from Florida Region FJMC President Ed Kochman,

During October 2023 Florida Region FJMC published 37 new posts (a new monthly record) including our weekly Jewish learning article “Choose Shabbat” with timely Torah portion insights from Florida Region FJMC Rabbinic and Spiritual Advisor Rabbi Michael D. Klein. We also posted about upcoming webinars from six different FJMC Affinity Groups; a Pride and Prejudice Inclusion Initiative Dialogue, Yiddish Lite, Yiddish Alive, a Torah Talks discussion of Parashat Vayera, a Sports Affinity webinar with guest speaker David Richman, author of “Wilt, Ike and Me” and a Financial Insights Affinity Group discussion of Option Trading Strategies. We continued to spotlight activities of Florida Region FJMC Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods including the Anshei Shalom Men’s Club (Delray Beach), (recently reborn) Jacksonville Jewish Center Men’s Club, the Temple Beth-El Brotherhood (St. Petersburg), Temple Beth Sholom Men’s Club (Sarasota), Shomrei Torah Men’s Club (Tallahassee), Dor Chadash Men’s Club (Miami), Beth Am Men’s Club (Longwood), the Temple Beth Torah Brotherhood (Wellington), Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek Men’s Club (Tamarac) for earning a Silver FJMC Torch Award for outstanding Club programming in connection to the World Wide Wrap; and the Kol Ami Brotherhood (Tampa) on their Silver FJMC Torch Award for Firearm Safety Day.

We also posted articles about the “Build a Pair” for World Wide Wrap 2024, FJMC Individual Membership and a special Hearing Men’s Voices (HMV) program asking the question, “How does the situation in Israel impact your life?”. Other October posting highlights included articles about the upcoming December 6 Florida Region FJMC “Bring Your Brotherhood to Hockey Night Out with the Florida Panthers“, the FJMC Health & Wellness Program, the FJMC Imagine Life Initiative, an invitation to join World Wide Wrap 2024, important information about FJMC Foundation Grant Funds for creative Men’s Club and Brotherhood programming, “Mobilize your Men’s Club through Hearing Men’s Voices (HMV)” and a post about the FJMC Abayudaya community, to name a few.

Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, your new Florida Region FJMC President Ed Kochman and his team of executive board officers will begin a series of coordinated club visitations with a goal of direct, face to face interaction with every affiliated Florida Region FJMC Men’s Club and Brotherhood. Florida Region FJMC will also plans to schedule a series of quarterly live regional Director’s meetings and club training programs in different parts of the state, bringing the full resources of Florida Region FJMC to a Men’s Club or Brotherhood near you. Men’s Club is Brotherhood. For more information about how Florida Region FJMC can help your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood, please email Florida Region FJMC President Ed Kochman at

This message is brought to you by the Florida Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). We are part of a confederation of over 200 Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods representing over 20,000 members across the United States, Canada, Latin America, and beyond. Learn more about how your Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood can affiliate with the FJMC at:

The Florida Region of FJMC serves the needs of affiliated Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods throughout the State of Florida. Get to know more about the FJMC Florida Region and our growing network of Jewish Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods at and please visit and LIKE our Florida Region FJMC Facebook Group at

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